Thinking Anglicans

July General Synod – papers

The main bulk of the papers for next months meeting of General Synod arrived in the post this morning, and are listed below. I’ve also included papers due to be circulated next week (marked with an asterisk).

I’ll add links to online copies as they become available.

GS 1571 Agenda
Friday 8 July Saturday 9 July Sunday 10 July Monday 11 July Tuesday 12 July

GS 1572 Report of the Business Committee

GS 1574 Formation for Ministry within a Learning Church: Reviewing Progress

GS 1575 Assisted Suicide and Voluntary Euthanasia: Report by the Mission and Public Affairs Council *

GS 1576 Children and Holy Communion *
Annex 1
Annex 2

GS 1577 Presence and Engagement [This is a 20 MB (sic) document.]
GS Misc 788 Covering Note from the Mission and Public Affairs Council

GS 1578 Thirty-Ninth Report of the Standing Orders Committee
First Notice Paper (listing proposed amendments to standing orders)

GS 1579 Church Urban Fund: A New Future
GS Misc 789 Covering Note from the Mission and Public Affairs Council

GS 1580 Strategic Spending Review
GS 1580A Accountability and Transparency
GS 1580B Resourcing Mission
Annex A Annex B Annex C Annex D Annex E
GS Misc 782 Review of Administrative Costs *

GS 1583 Annual Report of the Archbishops’ Council’s Audit Committee

GS 1582 Archbishops’ Council’s Annual Report *

In the Spirit of the Covenant: Report of the Joint Implementation Commission
GS Misc 784 Covering Note by the CCU

Listing continues below the fold.


GS 1555B Draft Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure
GS 1555Z Report by the Steering Committee

GS 1585 Clergy Discipline Code of Practice
GS 1586 Clergy Discipline Rules
GS 1585&6X Explanatory Memorandum

GS 1588 The Legal Officers (Annual Fees) (No 2) Order 2005
GS 1589 The Ecclesiastical Judges, Legal Officers and Others (Fees) Order 2005
GS 1588&9X Explanatory Memorandum
GS 1590 Parochial Fees Order
GS 1590X Explanatory Memorandum
GS 1587 See of Southwell: Petition for change of name


GS 1535B Ordination Services
Deacons Priests Bishops
GS 1535Z Second Report of the Revision Committee
Annex to GS 1535Z
GS 1573 ASB Ordinal: Extended Authorization
This will only be taken if the CW Ordinal fails to obtain final approval.

Diocesan Synod Motions

GS Misc 771A Note by the Diocese of Oxford
GS Misc 771B Note by the Ministry Division


GS 1581 Archbishops’ Council’s Proposed Budget for 2006 [This is an 8.9 MB file.]
GS Misc 779 Allocations and Apportionment Formulae Review

Other Papers (not on the Synod agenda)

GS Misc 778 Ethical Investment: Is it worth it?
GS Misc 785 Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ

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