Thinking Anglicans

Anglican Covenant: this Saturday's votes

This Saturday another five diocesan synods voted on the Anglican Covenant motion: Chester, Ely, Liverpool, Norwich and St Albans. The motion passed in Chester and Norwich, and was defeated in Ely, Liverpool and St Albans.

Chester: covenant accepted

Bishops: 3 for / 0 against / 0 abstentions
Clergy: 22 for / 14 against / 5 abstentions
Laity: 26 for / 23 against / 5 abstentions

Ely: covenant defeated

Bishops: 1 for / 0 against / 1 abstention
Clergy: 16 for / 23 against / 1 abstention
Laity: 19 for / 19 against / 0 abstentions

Liverpool: covenant defeated

Bishops: 0 for / 2 against / 0 abstentions
Clergy: 10 for / 26 against / 1 abstention
Laity: 8 for / 28 against / 5 abstentions

Norwich: covenant accepted

Bishops: 3 for / 0 against / 0 abstentions
Clergy: 26 for / 10 against / 1 abstention
Laity: 19 for / 15 against / 1 abstention

St Albans: covenant defeated

Bishops: 2 for / 0 against
Clergy: 21 for / 31 against
Laity: 17 for / 44 against

With today’s results, the current count of diocesan votes is 12 in favour and 20 against. 22 Noes would mean that the Covenant would not come back to the General Synod for approval.

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12 years ago

What an impressive House of Bishops the Diocese of Liverpool has and how sad about the House of Bishops in St Albans. James Jones has strengthened his chances for Canterbury, not only by his own vote but by his ability to carry his suffragan in the ways of Anglicanism. – I had hoped that the announcement of Dr Williams retirement might restore unimpaired judgement to Diocesan Bishops within the Church of England. 50/50 thus far!

12 years ago

It’s all over, people – nothing to see here. As our American friends would say: stick a fork in her, she’s done.

As a side-note, I was most interested to note the Right Rev’d Bishop of Liverpool voted against the covenant. There’s a man who knows which way the archepiscopal wind is blowing!

12 years ago

A premature Alleluia in advance of Easter – what good news for Refreshment Sunday! The pride of Bishops Tom Wright, Graham Kings and the plotters behind the Covenant, and the folly of an Archbishop who failed to test the mood of his people before presenting the CofE with a fait accompli is humbled.

Prior Aelred
12 years ago

I seriously think that the bookies are all wet — the smart money should be on Liverpool.

Daneil Lamont
Daneil Lamont
12 years ago

It seems clear that the CofE is divided on this. Setting aside the Bishops who seem almost entirely in favour of the covenant, there are substantial numbers of both clergy and laity who are in favour and as well as those against it. It has proved to be a deeply divisive project which has done a great deal of damage. It is now unlikely to reach the national Synod in August but even if it did, it could have no legitimacy given that so many are opposed to the covenant – as I am. It is unfortunate that the process… Read more »

Peter Owen
12 years ago

In case rjb’s comment suggests otherwise, can I assure readers that the Bishop of Liverpool’s vote against the covenant today was a genuine reflection of his long-held views, and has absolutely nothing to do with the forthcoming vacancy at Canterbury.

Peter (from the diocese of Liverpool)

12 years ago

Of course you’re quite right, Peter – in fact, I see that +JJ was the only bishop not to vote in favour of the Anglican Covenant back in 2010. As far as I can discover, however, he has not made any public statement about the reasons for his scepticism. I’d be interested to know if he has spoken out on the issue.

I assume that +Stephen Conway cast the abstention vote in Ely – presumably it was Huntingdon voting in favour?

Simon Kershaw
12 years ago

rjb: “I assume that +Stephen Conway cast the abstention vote in Ely – presumably it was Huntingdon voting in favour?”

That is correct. The diocesan bishop spoke of his reservations in his presidential address and said that he would abstain. Of course, diocesan bishops get to vote in the General Synod and its HoB, and their vote against at their diocesan synod does not count if their Clergy and Laity vote in favour anyway.

Simon K (from the diocese of Ely)

12 years ago

How many more are to vote? Whether there are 2 or 20 make a difference when 2 more nays are necessary….

David Lamming
David Lamming
12 years ago

Yes, rjb, Bishop James Jones has spoken out and given his reasons for not supporting the Anglican Communion Covenant: see the full text of his Presidential Address to today’s meeting of the Liverpool Diocesan Synod on the diocesan website.

Savi Hensman
Savi Hensman
12 years ago

‘Making space for truth and grace’, published in 2007, gives an indication of the Bishop of Liverpool’s concerns about the Anglican Covenant (

Gerry Lynch
Gerry Lynch
12 years ago

There are 12 more dioceses to vote. Six vote next weekend – Lincoln, Exeter, Blackburn, Oxford, Guildford and Peterborough. Without any particular local knowledge beyond the usual sense of churchmanship, etc., I’d imagine at the very least Guildford will vote against and Lincoln hardly got a ringing endorsement of the Covenant from its recently departed Bishop. After that, it’s London on 29th March, Manchester on 31st March (another very likely No?), Southwell on 12th April, Chichester on 21st April, and finally Newcastle (a further very likely No?) and York on 28th April. It’s all a bit like following US Presidential… Read more »

12 years ago

How many more are to vote? Whether there are 2 or 20 make a difference when 2 more nays are necessary….
Posted by: ettu on Saturday, 17 March 2012 at 6:53pm GMT

32 have voted out of 44. I think it unlikely that only one of the remaining 12 will vote “No”. If two or more vote “No”, the draft Act of Synod to accede to the covenant cannot come back to the General Synod. Note that 22:22 means the case is lost. It has to be *approved* by a majority of dioceses.

Julian Heaton
Julian Heaton
12 years ago

The thing that strikes me is the numbers of folks voting. Either the Sunday before Lent 4/Mothering Sunday is a dire choice of dates, the thought of turning up to a CofE talking shop holds little attraction or the seriousness of this debate has not filtered down to either clergy or laity. Whatever the reason, all the talk about the democratic ways of the CofE as compared to sister Churches looks pretty over-hyped.

Father Ron Smith
12 years ago

Bishop James Jones for Archbishop of Canterbury.

Many New Zealanders would agree with that, I think.

12 years ago

Thanks for the count!

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