Thinking Anglicans

February General Synod – online papers

Updated 23 January to add second circulation papers

Papers in the first and second circulations for next month’s meeting of General Synod on 10-12 February are now online here in agenda order. Here is a list in numerical order, with a note of the day scheduled for their consideration.

I have also included the papers that I expect to see in the second circulation, due in a week’s time. I will add links to these papers when they become available. [now done]

zip file of all first circulation papers
zip file of second circulation papers
zip file of all papers

GS 1902D – Amending Canon No.32 [Tuesday]

GS 1928A & GS 1928C – Nature and Structure of the Church of England [contingency business]

GS 1935A – Draft Naming of Dioceses Measure [Tuesday]
GS 1935Y – Report by the Revision Committee

GS 1952A – Draft Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure [Thursday]
GS 1953A – Draft Amending Canon No.34 [Thursday]
GS 1952-3Y – Report by the Revision Committee

GS 1958A – Alternative Baptism Texts [Thursday]
GS 1958Y – Report of the Revision Committee

GS 1964B – Draft Amending Canon No.35 [Tuesday]
GS 1964C – Her Majesty’s Royal Assent and Licence

GS 1972A & GS 1972B – Private Members’ Motions on Canon B 38 [Thursday]

GS 1973Agenda

GS 1974 – Report by the Business Committee [Tuesday]

GS 1975 – General Synod Elections 2015: seat allocations [Tuesday]

GS 1976 – A programme for reform and renewal. A note from the Archbishops [Tuesday]

GS 1977 – Discipleship [Tuesday & Wednesday]
GS 1978 – Resourcing the Future Task Group Report [Tuesday & Wednesday]
GS 1979 – Resourcing Ministerial Education Task Group Report [Tuesday & Wednesday]
GS 1980 – Simplification Task Group Report [Tuesday & Wednesday]
GS 1981 – Church Commissioners’ and Inter-Generational Equity [Tuesday & Wednesday]
GS 1982 – Discerning and Nurturing Senior Leaders [Tuesday]

GS 1983 – Petition to change the names of the Suffragan Sees of Knaresborough and Pontefract [Thursday]

GS 1984 – 50th Report of the Standing Orders Committee [Thursday]

GS 1985 – Mission and Growth in Rural Multi-Parish Benefices: report from the Mission and Public Affairs Council [Thursday]

GS 1986 – The Church: Towards a Common Vision: Report from the World Council of Churches [contingency business]

Other papers

Prayer card

GS Misc 1092 – Released for Mission: Growing the Rural Church
GS Misc 1093 – Update on Electronic Voting
GS Misc 1094 – Optimising the role of the NCIs
GS Misc 1095 – Dioceses Commission Annual Report
GS Misc 1096 – Clergy Stipend Report
GS Misc 1097 – Archbishop’s Council – Review of Consitutions
GS Misc 1098 – The Church of England’s National Work on Education
GS Misc 1099 – Report on the Archbishops’ Council Activities
GS Misc 1100 – Report on Immersion Experience in India [Tuesday]
GS Misc 1101 – The Church of England’s National Ecumenical Relations
GS Misc 1102 – House of Bishops Summary of Decisions

Notice Paper 1 [contains proposed amendments to standing orders]

Group work – Developing Discipleship

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