Thinking Anglicans

The Movement for a Renewed Orthodox Anglicanism

Another open letter has been published (see here for first one), this time in the Daily Telegraph and behind a paywall. There is also a news report: Queen’s former chaplain leads vicar rebellion over gay marriage.

However, it has been reproduced, and commented upon at some length at the Archbishop Cranmer website: The two opposed expressions of Anglicanism.

It also now been reproduced on a new website, named Anglican Live, where you can if you wish add your own signature to the letter.

The original letter and original signatories are copied below the fold. Note that the text of this letter differs from that of the earlier one, but there is considerable overlap between the signatories of the two.


Recent actions in the General Synod in pursuit of a culture which denies biblical ethics, as they have been practised and understood ‘at all places and in all times’, has caused many Anglicans great concern. There are times, particularly in the face of social disintegration, when it is the duty of the Church to be counter-cultural. The failure of the House of Bishops to uphold the teaching of the Bible and of the Universal Church in this area is very disappointing, if not surprising.

The booing of traditionalists and the levels of personal abuse aimed at them during the General Synod has only deepened mistrust between the different sides.

There are now effectively, at least, two opposed expressions of Anglicanism in this country. One which has capitulated to secular values, and one that continues to hold the faith ‘once delivered to the saints’.

We and others stand with the majority of faithful Anglican across the globe, in prioritising Scripture and the unanimous teaching of the universal Church over secular fashion. We note the results of this same conflict in North America, even as we look for and pray for a similar renewal of orthodox Anglicanism and of Anglican structures in these islands.

Yours faithfully,

Rev’d Dr. Gavin Ashenden, Former Chaplain to the Queen
Rev’d Nigel Atkinson, Vicar of St. John’s, Knutsford
Rev’d Dr. Mark Burkill, Chairman of Reform
Rev’d Tim Chapman, Minister of Christ Church South Cambs, AMiE
Rev’d Paul Darlington, Vicar of Oswestry Holy Trinity, Chair of Church Society
Rt. Rev’d John Ellison, AMiE Executive
Rev’d Dick Farr, Chairman of Church Society Trust
Rt. Rev’d Dr John Fenwick, Bishop Primus, Free Church of England
Fr. Martin Hislop, St. Luke’s, Kingston upon Thames
Rev’d Canon Nigel Juckes, Incumbent, Parish of Llandogo
Rt. Rev’d Josep Miquel Ferrer, Free Church of England
Rev’d Steven Hanna, St Elisabeth’s Church, Dagenham
Rt. Rev’d Paul Hunt, General Secretary, Free Church of England
Rev’d Lee McMunn, AMiE Mission Director
Rt. Rev’d Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, 106th Bishop of Rochester
Rev’d James Paice, Vicar of St. Luke’s Wimbledon Park, Trustee of Southwark Good Stewards Trust
Rev’d Dr. Peter Sanlon, Vicar of St. Mark’s Tunbridge Wells, Convener of Anglican Partnership Synod
Rev’d Dr Andrew Symes, Executive Secretary, Anglican Mainstream
Rev’d William Taylor, Rector of St. Helen’s Bishopsgate, Chairman of Renew
Rev’d Melvin Tinker, Vicar of St. John’s Newland
Rev’d Robin Weekes, Minister of Emmanuel Church Wimbledon, Chair of Reform Southwark
Mrs Andrea Minchello Williams, CEO of Christian Concern and Christian Legal Centre

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Susannah Clark
7 years ago

Same old same old. We’re aware of these differences in the Church of England. I will observe yet again: out of over 20,000 ordained priests in the Church of England, what we have here are the signatures of about 20 (and not all priests, and not all in the Church of England). The best these fellow Christians can hope for is ‘Unity in Diversity’ where we agree to respect one another’s consciences. Alternatively they have the choice to leave and set up their own church in new buildings and locations. What they can’t do is impose their conscience on other… Read more »

Andrew Lightbown
7 years ago

Same old arguments re capitulating to or adopting secular cultural values. These arguments are presented as a given but do they stand up to scrutiny? Not necessarily. The Gay and Lesbian Christian movement alongside various allies have been arguing for greater levels of inclusion for decades. It is simply inaccurate to suggest that those arguing for ‘radical new inclusivity,’ have necessarily been (mis) led ‘secular’ values. It’s a tired and worn out proposition. Most progressives have a very strong sense of biblical values and virtue, or at least most of them that I know.

7 years ago

“One which has capitulated to secular values, and one that continues to hold the faith ‘once delivered to the saints’.” Herein lies the crux of this gratuitous and odious misrepresentation of reality. If they want to draw sides, how about: Side 1 = narrow-minded, defined by misunderstanding the role of scripture, tradition and reason and threats of schism or supplanting the establishment that nourishes them; Side 2 = more open-minded, permitting all views within side 1 and more besides This pattern of argument holds across multiple topics over the last 50 years at least, probably more. I think what’s actually… Read more »

Paul Waddington
Paul Waddington
7 years ago

I would not dismiss the Movement for a Renewed Orthodox Anglicanism as being an insignificant tiny minority. I seem to remember people saying the same about the Ordinariate when that emerged.
No doubt people said it of the Oxford Movement, and look at the consequences of that.

From tiny oak apples do great oak trees grow.

Janet Fife
Janet Fife
7 years ago

‘The booing of traditionalists and the levels of personal abuse aimed at them during the General Synod has only deepened mistrust between the different sides.’ Is it true that traditionalists were booed and abused during GS? If so that is wrong, we don’t want to stoop to their level. When Chester Diocese held discussions on sexuality in every deanery a few years ago, I facilitated a discussion group in 2 of the deaneries. One of these signatories hosted his deanery’s discussion in his church. Even as a facilitator whose role was to be neutral, it was such a bad experience… Read more »

7 years ago

Are none of the signatories of this preposterous letter aware of the BBC Gay Britania season? A series of TV and radio programmes chronicles the progress over 50 years, from the imprisonment of men for being gay, to the present-day acceptance of gay marriage. The dinosaurs above object to the “booing of traditionalists and the levels of personal abuse aimed at them during the General Synod” Perhaps this is a small taste of the opprobrium usually heaped upon LGBTQ people over the years by evangelicals and so-called bible believers. If they can’t stand the heat, they should get out of… Read more »

7 years ago

The comparison by Paul Waddington of the Ordinariate being like a “great oak tree” is not borne out in reality. Pope Benedict’s attempt to steal Anglican clergy is a damp squib which depends upon a never-ending supply of disaffected Anglican Catholics to continue. The Catholic Herald compares the size of the Ordinariate with a large parish. The Movement for Renewed Orthodox Anglicanism will go the same way. It’s a sounding gong and clanging cymbal. It shouldn’t be taken too seriously as most people will regard it as being very funny.

Janet Fife
Janet Fife
7 years ago

‘From tiny oak apples do great oak trees grow.’

Oak trees grow from acorns. What grows from oak apples (a form of gall) is a parasite on the oak tree. Appropriate, maybe?

7 years ago

I rather resent the implication that I might have succumbed to the dark forces of secularism as suggested in the above letter. I’m a grown up Christian who can think for himself and I’d wager I know my Bible as well as anyone. As far as I know I’ve been heterosexual all my life, I’ve been blessed within a long term, fulfilling marriage over 37 years which has made me/us mostly happy. We have always believed in and maintained a faithful marriage consistent with biblical ethics as we understand them. So why then should I not believe that the opportunity… Read more »

Nigel LLoyd
7 years ago

Is it true that traditionalists were booed and abused during GS? I am no longer on General Synod, but I understand that there was a display of irritation (perhaps even boos) on the Friday when Andrea Williams spoke. In my time on Synod I heard her speak on several occasions and, like many others on synod, I profoundly disagree with her views. Yet we always listened to each other in a spirit of respect. Much has been made of traditionalists being booed at this Synod, but as far as I can see this is very much a twisted report about… Read more »

Charles Read
Charles Read
7 years ago

In response to Janet’s first post, the calls for them to resign etc. were not because they are traditionalists but because they were using GS speeches to make personal attacks on others. Good letters in CT on this today.

Susannah Clark
7 years ago

Great (and moving) post by ‘anotherFr.David’ and *thank you* father.

This is not just LGBT+ people stirring up trouble out of self-interest. This is a justice issue, an issue of decency and covenant love.

Straight LGBT+ allies are hugely valuable, and really appreciated.

May God bless your marriage, and all people who commit themselves to one another – in tender love, sacrificial care, through the laughter, through the tears.

Kennedy Fraser
Kennedy Fraser
7 years ago

>>Is it true that traditionalists were booed and abused during GS? If so that is wrong, we don’t want to stoop to their level. There were a couple of letters in the Church Times referring to this. This comment from Simon Butler, the Prolocutor of the Lower House of the Convocation of Canterbury: “The booing came in response to two speeches: an intervention from the leader of Christian Concern which named a Synod member and made mention of her relationship with her partner and the partner’s child (neither of the last two being Synod members) in an out-of-order speech; and… Read more »

Janet Fife
Janet Fife
7 years ago

Nigel and Charles, thank you for clarifying what happened in Synod. I didn’t like to think that Synod had departed from its usual high standards. Although sadly, it sounds as if a few of its members had.

Malcolm Dixon
Malcolm Dixon
7 years ago

I seem to recall that Dr Ashenden announced quite some time ago that he was leaving the CofE. I also recall encountering a video in which he explained at some length why. So what is taking so long? Does he want to inflict the maximum damage on the church which has nurtured him before going? Or is there some other reason?

Roy Murphy
Roy Murphy
7 years ago

Orthodoxy is overrated.

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
7 years ago

Can someone explain to me how and why Andrea Williams, who signed this letter, and Lorna Ashworth, who signed the other can remain as reoresentaives from Chichester on general Synod, and the latter on the Archbishops Council now they are explicitly promoting schism? Surely the two are incompatible.

7 years ago

I share Richard Ashby’s question.

Certainly if someone is on the Archbishop’s Council then that person should support the Church of England.

If someone wants to leave, then leave. But to remain an officer of the Church of England, and yet at the same time to agitate against it, is a violation of the fiduciary duty of loyalty.

7 years ago

As always with these “sign if you agree” petitions, there seem to be rather a lot of people from overseas, people from other churches, representatives of bodies outside the communion of the CofE, people who can’t recall that they signed up the previous day…

7 years ago

You don’t get to side w/ the (alleged!) “majority of faithful Anglican across the globe”—in places where LGBTs are *murdered w/ impunity* (and Anglicans there say zilch about it)—and simultaneously whine about being “booed”.


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