Thinking Anglicans

Church Times review of the year

In the issue dated 31 December 2004, the Church Times carried its usual clutch of Review of the Year articles.

Andrew Brown contributed this review of the Press: Religion needs to be understood
This is relevant to the more recent RW/Telegraph spat.

I WANT to propose an interpretation of the year which will strike attentive readers of the British and American press as ridiculous: the important religious story of 2004 had nothing whatever to do with the mating habits of Christians.

Graham Cray wrote Mission-shaped Church — start of something new?

Those of us who wrote the report are absolutely delighted by the response it has received — and, if we are honest, a little surprised.

Paul Handley contributed The American emperor has no new clothes

A WEEK into the invasion of Iraq in 2003, Dr Rowan Williams wrote: “We must not be caught naked of ideas and clear commitments when a ceasefire arrives” ( The Times, 25 March 2003). Since then, the American emperor’s lack of clothing has been disguised only by the suspicion that, despite his confident assertions, the ceasefire is yet to arrive.

and also Standing at the same table

THE Anglican Communion began and ended 2004 intact. That was all, really, that could be said for it.

And the staff reporters summarised 2004 the year in review

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