Thinking allowed

Further resources for the Queen's 90th birthday

Church House has pub­lished online a set of Litur­gic­al Resources for the Cel­eb­ra­tion of HM The Queen’s Nineti­eth Birth­day con­tain­ing: Notes of Guid­ance; an out­line ser­vice; col­lects and graces; and sug­ges­ted readings.

The resources are avail­able as a PDF here.

The notes say:

It is hoped that many churches and com­munit­ies will be able to cel­eb­rate the nineti­eth birth­day of Her Majesty the Queen. This leaf­let con­tains, by kind per­mis­sion of the Dean and Chapter, the Out­line of the Ser­vice of Cel­eb­ra­tion and Thanks­giv­ing which will be held at St Paul’s Cathed­ral on Fri­day 10 June 2016. Churches are invited to use ele­ments of this out­line in their own pre­par­a­tions, espe­cially the bid­ding pray­er, inter­ces­sions, and act of thanks­giv­ing in the appen­dices. In addi­tion to the resources below, St Paul’s has com­mis­sioned the Mas­ter of the Queen’s Music, Judith Weir, to com­pose a chor­al anthem, I love all beau­teous things, which can be used in the con­text of a cel­eb­ra­tion ser­vice and is now available.

Also included here are the Col­lects which The Queen has been pleased to approve for use in ser­vices cel­eb­rat­ing her birth­day, and Graces for use at church and com­munity gath­er­ings. Finally, the Litur­gic­al Com­mis­sion sug­gests a num­ber of appro­pri­ate read­ings suited to a cel­eb­rat­ory service.


  • Geoff M says:

    I’ll keep this on file, for when we observe the stat­utory “offi­cial” birth­day here in two weeks. (We’re a pray­er book par­ish, so someone will prob­ably have to homebrew a back-trans­la­tion into Cranmerian!)

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