Thinking Anglicans

Sentamu election confirmed

Parts of the Guardian interview have also been published in Uganda, see New Vision under the headline Dr. Sentamu prepared to ordain women bishops.

The routine formal Church of England confirmation ceremony for its diocesan bishops got more attention than usual yesterday when the new Archbishop of York, John Sentamu underwent the process.

Stephen Bates in the Guardian actually got to talk to him beforehand and has an interview with him in From Uganda with love … Church of England’s new No 2 spells out his creed. Some sample quotes:

Dr Sentamu said: “Some of our disagreements are not Christian really … It seems to suggest that all the great evils of the world are being perpetrated by gay and lesbian people, which I cannot believe to be the case. What is wrong in the world is that people are sinful and alienate themselves from God and you do not have to be gay to do that. To suggest that to be gay equals evil, I find that quite unbelievable.

“Is somebody saying a gay and lesbian can’t live in Christ? What matters in the end to me is to do what my mother said to me as a little child: John, never point a finger at anybody because when you do three other fingers are pointing back at you. All of us are sinners, all of us have baggage. Why should my baggage as a heterosexual be more acceptable than the baggage of a gay person?”

Other newspaper reports:
Telegraph Jonathan Petre Black archbishop vows to speak out
Independent Ian Herbert Refugee who fled Amin is confirmed as archbishop

Other web reports:
Times Online Simon Freeman Church welcomes its first black archbishop
BBC First black Archbishop confirmed

Pictures and an explanation for those not familiar with the process, at ACNS here.

The new archbishop has also been appointed to the Privy Council. Further explanation here.

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19 years ago

“Some of our disagreements are not Christian really … It seems to suggest that all the great evils of the world are being perpetrated by gay and lesbian people, which I cannot believe to be the case.”

Very valid point ++ Sentamu. Yet, God has pronounced the same judgment for those who oppress the less privileged, the idolators, the thinkers of this age, ‘the wandering stars’, those who name the name of Christ but do not depart from iniquity. Surely Judgment will begin from the House of God, YOUR GRACE… TRUST IN GOD AND DO THE RIGHT!

19 years ago

“Is somebody saying a gay and lesbian can’t live in Christ?”

Is somebody saying they can – without repenting? Are you Dr Sentamu?

In an attempt to win friends, this is a delberate half truth.

Is somebody saying an adulterer can’t live in Christ?
Is somebody saying a thief can’t live in Christ?
Is somebody saying a sinner can’t live in Christ?

In his language, as Dr Sentamu well knows, the answer is we can all only live in Christ if we repent!

J. C. Fisher
J. C. Fisher
19 years ago

So, let’s see. I am like those who [qua Emeka] “oppress the less privileged, the idolators, the thinkers of this age, ‘the wandering stars’, those who name the name of Christ but do not depart from iniquity” or are a [qua Neil] “adulterer, thief” . . . just because someone of the same sex makes my heart skip a beat (and I do not repent of that reality—rather, thank God for it! :-D). This (the above comparisons) is nonsense. It’s *nowhere* in the Bible. And ++John Sentamu seems to get it. [Though we’ll have a better view of this, if… Read more »

19 years ago

I think he is simply fed up with whether someone is gay and in a relationship or not being the definition of the validity of someone’s Christianity!

Prior Aelred
19 years ago

I must say that I have always been impressed by John Sentamu & what Bates quotes him as saying reinforces my opinion — I believe he will be an outstanding Archbishop of York.

Leonardo Ricardo
19 years ago

“…John, never point a finger at anybody because when you do three other fingers are pointing back at you.” ++John’s Mother

Now we’re talking…basic individual responsibility and TRUTH! No more hateful diversions/verbal junkets or abuse/smearing directed against LGBT Christians please.

Isn’t it more honorable to keep ones eye on ones own character?

Simple? All I need is a clean/defogged two-way “reality check” mirror to look into with God looking back at me from the otherside.

Horray for ++York! Thank you for your clear, authentic and powerful NEW voice in our Church affairs!

Gracias, mil!

19 years ago

Surely, Neil you are not saying that by simply BEING of homosexual orientation, one is as an adulterer, a thief, or a particular sinner beyond other sinners. Surely not.

19 years ago

IT: I confess, according to Jesus’ own definition, I am an adulterer. In fact I am actually by nature orientated towards adultery. We all are. BUT, along with all my sins, I repent. And I ask God to show me more and more of my sin, and to help me appreciate more and more how unworthy I am of forgiveness and what an amazing act of grace I have received in Christ. The option that is just not open to me is to say I am an adulterer (you can substitute guilty of any sin) and I don’t repent of… Read more »

19 years ago

Only I don’t consider that adultery and being a gay man or having a gay relationship have any connection.

Göran Koch-Swahne
19 years ago

You’d better ask him!

19 years ago

Göran Koch-Swahne: “You’d better ask him!”

Thanks but I believe in charitable presumption.
So go ahead if you’d like to and perhaps I’ll be even more disappointed!

Göran Koch-Swahne
19 years ago

Seems more like un-charitable presumption to me ;=)

19 years ago

‘Never point a finger’- +John’s mum
‘This (the above comparisons) is nonsense. – J.C.Fisher

Next on the line to be Bishops are the paedophiles and the kleptomaniacs. Like some atheist suggest, maybe we just abolish the words – sin, repentance, and salvation.


If only we can remove 2 Tim. 2: 19 from the Bible. The problem is solved.

Should the problem be that of the expected life of those called to lead, all passages where Christ decried the religious hypocrites of His day must go.

Göran Koch-Swahne
19 years ago

Only that the pseudo-epigraphic alias 2 Tim 2:19 was the justification for the Inquisition…

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