Thinking Anglicans

synod: reports on Tuesday session

Updated Wednesday morning

Frances Young’s sermon is available in full

Rowan Williams:
Archbishop’s remarks at opening session
Archbishop’s contribution in debate on terrorism
Archbishop’s contribution during the presentation on ‘Episcopacy in the Church of England’

Guardian Stephen Bates Queen opens church synod

Jonathan Petre
Queen extols the ‘unique’ power of Christianity
‘We must forgive suicide bombers’
Bishops’ wives ‘need help running palaces’

and an editorial opinion, The Queen reminds us of lasting values

Times Online carries Ruth Gledhill’s report, now under the headline Bishop backs ‘shoot-to-kill’ police for suicide bombers, but earlier in the day, before the afternoon write-through it was headlined York Archbishop attacks ‘scandalous’ divisions in Church.

Ruth’s blog has Christian church ‘unique’ says Queen.

The press release about the morning tells us what The Queen said.

What the Archbishop of York said to The Queen is published in full. This was certainly the best speech of the day.

ACNS has photographs here (click on individual photos for large versions).
Another picture taken inside the synod chamber is here (warning this is 470K in size).

And also this one.

The official bulletin of the afternoon’s events is here.

There was one attempt to amend the terrorism motion, by substituting “while condemning” for “without excusing” in paragraph (b). This failed.

Earlier the BBC Today radio programme had interviewed Bp Tom Butler: listen here (Real Audio, 5 m 40 s)

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