Thinking Anglicans

Synod Papers

General Synod meets from 6 to 9 February 2006. Links to the online agenda follow together with a list of papers mentioned in the agenda. Links are made to available online copies. This list will be updated.

The Business Committee’s forecast of future business is copied below the fold.

The Church of England’s own list of papers is here and here is a press release on the agenda.

Monday 6 February
Tuesday 7 February
Wednesday 8 February
Thursday 9 February

GS 1596A Admission of Baptised Children to Holy Communion Regualtions
GS 1596Y Report by the House of Bishops (included in GS 1596A)
GS 1601 Mutual Expectations: The Church Of England And Church Colleges/Universities Report By The Board Of Education
GS 1603 Report By The Business Committee
GS 1604 Ethical Investment: Report By The Ethical Investment Advisory Group
GS 1605 House Of Bishops’ Women Bishops Group: Report To The General Synod From A Working Group Chaired By The Bishop Of Guildford.
GS 1605A Note by the Presidents
GS 1606 Seeds In Holy Ground: A Future For The Rural Church?
GS 1607 Into The New Quinquennium
GS 1609 Hospital And Health Care Chaplaincy
GS 1610 The Church’s Built Heritage Annex 1 Annex 3

GS Misc 801 Pushing At The Boundaries Of Unity: Anglicans And Baptists In Conversation
GS Misc 807 Ecumenical Responses To Women Bishops In The Church Of England?
GS Misc 808 Bicentenary of the Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade
GS Misc 812A Private Member’s Motion – Readers – A background note by Nigel Holmes
GS Misc 812B Background Paper from the Ministry Division Annex
GS Misc 813 The Human Genome: Background note from the Diocese of Guildford

Other papers circulated to Synod members

Summary decisions of the most recent meeting of the House of Bishops (January 2006)

Forecast of future General Synod business

One or more Private Members’ Motions and Diocesan Synod Motions are customarily included in each Group of Sessions.

July 2006

Presidential Address
Archbishops’ Council Annual Report

Draft Pastoral and Dioceses Measure, Amending Canon No 27 and Vacancy in See Committees (Amendment) Regulation – Revision Stage
Clergy Terms of Service legislation – First Consideration
Marriage legislation – First Consideration
Care of Cathedrals Rules [deemed?]
Parsonages Measure (Amendment) Rules [deemed?]
Legal Aid (Amendment) Rules
Church Accounting (Amendment) Regulations [re PCC accounting]
Usual Fees Orders
Clergy Discipline (Channel Islands (Guernsey)) Order
Diocese in Europe Measure Amending Scheme [deemed?]

Commission on Urban Life and Faith report
The Dearing Report: five years on
?Further Education issues
?Follow-up to Finance Reviews
?Report from Church of England delegation to the WCC Assembly (Brazil, February 2006)
?Church Music Report
?Called to Act Justly: Follow-up report

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