Thinking Anglicans

CofE has RSS

The Church of England now has an RSS feed for its News page.

Read about it here.

Update and the feed notified me that there is now a press release about it.

Thinking Anglicans also has RSS feeds: one for articles, one for comments. On the home page look in the left hand column for the orange RSS logo above the two links.

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18 years ago

That should solve the quandries about who gets invited to the next Lambeth conference. They can all stay home and logon.

Laurence gofalus Roberts
Laurence gofalus Roberts
18 years ago

I have heard of an RSS feed but as yet unsure of its meaning –and purpose.

Is it something to do with virtual reality for bishops ?

Laurence gofalus Roberts
Laurence gofalus Roberts
18 years ago

Just heard a marvellous peice on Thinking Allowed (BBC Radio 4, today)about the psycho-social phenomenon of fidning a particular group ‘Evil’. And not sure where to post it. It brings in the Scottish satanic child abuse cult case, whereby the Authorities in fact abused children and families, by the way they traumatised them, by taking their children away. Also the witches of Salem, the Jews; & early christians. But the contribution by a divinity professor brings out, how these imaginary Evil groups pose such a threat taht the authorites feel they have to be destroyed. Worth listening to, on your… Read more »

18 years ago

RSS eh. I wonder how often we’ll be fed?

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