Thinking Anglicans

InclusiveChurch: A Thousand Hundreds

InclusiveChurch is appealing for donations. The campaign, launched last month, is named A Thousand Hundreds.


It was, in the end, two American parishes in Virginia going over from the Anglican Communion to the Archbishop of Nigeria that did it. And as a result, the broad, worldwide Anglican organization known as InclusiveChurch is doing two things: making a stand, and starting an appeal.

We know we don’t have much time.

The decision for everyone to go their separate ways could be taken at the Lambeth Conference next year. Meetings leading up to it start next this month.

You can help, whether you’re not a regular churchgoer or not, by contributing to our A Thousand Hundreds campaign. We’re looking for a thousand donations of a hundred pounds.

There are full details of this appeal on the IC website.

The Church Times reported the launch, see ‘Broad centre’ group launches campaign by Rachel Harden.

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John Richardson
John Richardson
17 years ago

I can understand why Inclusive Church want to campaign. (I’m a bit of a campaigner myself.) What I can’t understand is why they have to publish nonsense to do it: “We find ourselves up against people who, quite simply, insist on excluding themselves from the most inclusive church that has ever been. […] As for gays, they don�t want them in church, or in the community, or in the country, or on earth.” (Incidentally, someone needs to proofread their own website and get rid of the “?”s which can creep in when you cut and paste from a wordprocessor to… Read more »

Cheryl Clough
17 years ago

I am glad to see the Inclusive Church doing this. If there is going to be a rift, it would be lovely to see an inclusive communion for those who refuse to turn their backs on God’s children simply because they come in “unacceptable” packaging or with “unacceptable” burdens. God knows, there are enough of us who would be excluded from the “pure” churches but who would still like to publicly worship God in an inclusive and compassionate manner. As someone who has been isolated within my diocese (partly by choice to avoid trauma to hapless parishioners unaware of the… Read more »

Giles Goddard
Giles Goddard
17 years ago

Thanks for spotting that the pre-edited version went up by mistake, John Richardson. Now amended. That’s what comes of not having a General Secretary –

John Richardson
John Richardson
17 years ago

So now, without the “?”s, it just says, “As for gays, it seems that they [the people like Reform that Inclusive Church considers it is “up against”] don’t want them in church, or in the community, or in the country.”

So it’s edited nonsense, but it’s still nonsense. Find me a Reform or Anglican Mainstream statement that says gays are not wanted in the country and I’ll give you one of your £100 donations.

(Just to clarify, though, blog comments don’t count! There are enough nutters out there to go round all camps!)

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

Let’s see. If Reform and AM had their way, gay relationships would not be recognized. Thus, if one person became ill, their partner might not even be able to be at the bedside, let alone make any decisions. They would not be able to adopt. It would be legal to refuse to provide them services. Support for +Akinola indicates they have no trouble with throwing gay people or their supporters in jail. So, they might not have actually come out and SAID gay people should not be allowed in the country, but they certainly seem to want to not have… Read more »

17 years ago

Ford – my main objection to the UK civil partnerships rules is the discrimination against two siblings living together – they have not been given the right to let each other inherit property etc.

I would have wanted a law which allowed EVERYBODY to nominate ANYBODY else to be have this status (ie to give authority for medical treatment and to inherit property they share tax free – this would have been more fair but the government did not go for it (maybe because it would have cost more money, maybe to please certain pressure groups)

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

NP, “I would have wanted a law which allowed EVERYBODY to nominate ANYBODY else to be have this status (ie to give authority for medical treatment and to inherit property they share tax free” The first is covered under Enduring Power of Attourney, by which I can designate someone to make decisions for me should I be incapacitated. Not at all new in English Law. And, two siblings living together can inherit, I do believe. Besides I can bequeath to whomever I like, no. Your attempt at snide sarcasm failed because it did not use actual examples and shows your… Read more »

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