Thinking Anglicans

Primates meeting continues

British press reports:
The Times, Meeting on gay bishops shows no sign of deal
The Telegraph, Anglicans hopeful that summit has prevented split
The Independent, Hardline preaching greets crisis summit on gay clergy
The Guardian, Church leaders struggle to agree
BBC, Hopes high for church summit and Today radio programme excerpt here (needs Real Audio)
Later additions another Times article What Anglican primates can learn from hairy primates
Reuters latest report
Some letters, in the Guardian, including a very interesting one from Andrew Deuchar, former Lambeth Palace staffer.
The world press is present at Lambeth in huge numbers. Some reports from abroad this morning:

New York Times, Anglican Leaders Work to Avoid a Split Over Gay U.S. Bishop
Boston Globe:Amid talk of rift, Anglicans meet includes comments by Judith Maltby, Harriet Harris and others
and to show how widespread interest is, here is Aljazeera

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Simon Kershaw
20 years ago

The *Telegraph* has this apposite front-page “Matt cartoon”: which neatly combines two of today’s major UK news stories.

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