Thinking Anglicans

Primates meeting statement

The Primates meeting has now finished and the Archbishop of Canterbury and others have appeared at a press conference.

Their joint statement can be read at the ACNS website.

Note added on 29 October by Simon Sarmiento
It’s come to my attention that the ACNS copy of the press release omits the footnote that was included in the paper original. This footnote is included in the copy on the Lambeth Palace website. This footnote contains the text of the 1998 Lambeth Conference resolution IV.13 b which is referred to in the statement.

Rowan Williams’ introductory remarks
The remarks of Frank Griswold and Drexel Gomez are now here on ACNS.

The press has been quick to react:
the Guardian has Anglican leaders warned that US
Episcopalians will put the group ‘in jeopardy’

the Telegraph has Anglican bishops have warned that the appointment of a homosexual bishop may ‘tear the fabric’ of the Church
the BBC: Anglicans ‘regret’ gay bishop election

The Guardian now has more comment in Anglican Leaders Warn Against Gay Bishop (an AP story).

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Richard Thomas
Richard Thomas
20 years ago

At first sight, this might seem a huge setback to those of us who are praying for an inclusive church. But the establishment of a commission to look at these issues, coupled with the climb down of many conservative evangelicals, shows that the Anglican Communion is moving, albeit slowly, towards a more inclusive communion.

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