Thinking Anglicans

GS: Tuesday morning

The Archbishop of York said farewell to the bishops of Worcester and Coventry, who are retiring, the bishop of Sodor and Man, who is to become the Dean of St Paul’s, and Michael Chamberlain, who is retiring as chair of the Finance Committee of the Archbishops’ Council.

The morning’s main business was the Archbishops’ Council’s draft budget for 2008 (GS 1665). Synod agreed the gross expenditure figures in the table below. There are some small sources of income, but the net expenditure, shown in the last column, is provided by the dioceses. The apportionments on individual dioceses are shown in GS 1665.

Vote Gross
Expenditure (£)
Expenditure (£)
1 Training for Ministry 10,947,200 10,647,200
2 National Church Responsibilities 10,060,328 10,060,328
3 Grants and Provisions 1,596,200 1,596,200
4 Inter-diocesan Support/
Mission Agencies Clergy Pension Contributions
800,000 791,000
5 Church’s Housing Assistance for the
Retired Ministry
2,960,000 2,813,000
TOTALS 26,363,728 25,907,728

Finally Synod gave final approval to the Church of England Marriage Measure. The voting figures were:

  Ayes Noes
Bishops 26 0
Clergy 106 3
Laity 123 3

The measure requires parliamentary approval before it can come into effect.

Official report of Tuesday here.

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