Thinking Anglicans

Primates: Sunday papers

Again, the British national newspapers have quite a lot to say.
The Observer
Jamie Doward Warning to Williams: backing gays will cause riots and death
Leader Why the Church must not split
David Aaronovitch Way of the cross
Richard Ingrams Bishops confuse liberals
Also a feature with references to the CofE, Have you told your mum yet?

The Sunday Times
Christopher Morgan US church accused of taking aid revenge over gay row
John Humphrys The church that splits may be the church that’s reborn

The Telegraph
Elizabeth Day Backward Christian soldiers
AN Wilson I’d be sad to see my Church sundered by so small a thing

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J. Collins Fisher
J. Collins Fisher
21 years ago

Fantastic site! But could you please reprint (London) Times articles here? Many of us couldn’t possibly afford the prices they charge to view them.

Simon Kershaw
21 years ago

Unfortunately, the terms and conditions on The Times website prevent us from reproducing their articles. They do allow free access to their archives for those in the UK, but charge for viewing from overseas. I’m afraid there’s not a lot we can do about it either, and if we were to reproduce their articles without permission I expect that they would complain quite strongly.

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