Thinking Anglicans

GS: Sins of the Synod

The Church Times has a leader about the General Synod: Sins of the Synod.

Giles Fraser writes about the synod too: Talk about life, not church politics.

And there is a summary of what happened in Synod pushes Brown for more power.

Full detailed reports of synod are in this week’s paper edition of the Church Times and will be on the public web next week.

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Cheryl Clough
17 years ago

Giles Fraser often writes good common sense. His musings about Synod parallel my own about church life and dynamics. We have churches that are being “cleansed” and the opponents cite how they have diminishing numbers. I wonder if people from outside realise that is because people leave a church where they are insulted from the pulpit most weeks. In fact, I have a very close friend who has bonded with a new man whose mother was a devoted Sunday school teacher until the hate sermons became too much. These souls left the church, but God is still very active in… Read more »

L Roberts
L Roberts
17 years ago

I note with interest the Church Times (online) report waxing both lyrical and hypercritical about the great pastoral need, the relaxation of the Marriage Regulations will meet at a stroke. And what’s more, it also represents the most wonderful evangelistic opportunity we are told. Also married couples may now, perhaps, stay together that bit longer, before breaking up. What of the pastoral needs of same-sex couples ? Are we not to be vouchsafed this gift of staying the course a bit longer ? And shall not, our souls be saved or at least battled for ? When I see the… Read more »

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

“I had hoped to be the recipient of pastoral care and not just working my b—s off for others”

What is the Christian calling, for all of us, not just clergy, if not to “work our b—s off for others”?

L Roberts
L Roberts
17 years ago

The point Ford is that care needed to be reciprocal. Another word for what I describe is abuse. Can you try a bit of empathy?

Otherwise you are rather belittling my experience of being hurt and unsupported. Do you intend that?

I don’t buy into the Christian masochism thing either. Let’s all keep our integrity shall we. Keeping one’s balls, indicates an important boundary.

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

“Can you try a bit of empathy?”
I apologize for the lack of it in the previous post. It has actually been on my mind since yesterday, and I regret having been so flippant. It was pretty insensitive of me, and I shouldn’t have posted it.

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