Thinking Anglicans

Trial General Synod podcast

The following has appeared on the Church of England website.

General Synod podcast trial

The Church of England is currently offering a trial General Synod podcast.

This provides MP3 files available to download to your MP3 player or listen to on your computer in addition to the General Synod July 2007 sound files currently available here.

The feed address for the General Synod podcast is:

Files currently available as podcasts include the Debate of the Anglican Covenant Proposal, 7 July, and the Archbishop of York’s Presidential Address, 9 July.

How do I subscribe to a podcast?

You will need an internet connection, and a piece of podcast software or an RSS feed reader. This software can check for new episodes and automatically deliver them to your computer.

How you subscribe will vary depending on the software you use. To subscribe the first thing you need to do is add the ‘feed’ of the podcast to your software (or online reader). The feed is where the software will go to each time it wants to check for new content. provides a list of podcast software.

Further information about receiving RSS feeds is available at

As well as the two files mentioned above, the address by Archbishop Drexel Gomez is also available. The files are large (27 MB in one case) but they have the advantage that you can download them to your computer for later listening, unlike the streaming audio files that are also available.

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