Thinking Anglicans

Outbreak of peace?

Inclusive Church press release
Outbreak of peace?

Inclusive Church is hoping that the Lambeth Conference will witness an outbreak of peace in the Anglican Communion. IC has organised two events for the Lambeth Conference

“Strangers to Friends” – the IC Network Eucharist. 17 groups will come together to celebrate the peace we know in Christ, having worked together all year. All are welcome. Saturday 26th July: 7pm, Keynes Lecture Theatre. President – Rt Revd Carlos Touché-Porter, Archbishop of Mexico and a Primate of the Anglican Communion. Preacher – Canon Lucy Winkett, St Paul’s Cathedral.

“Inclusive Imperative – Anglican Welcome” Revd Dr Richard Burridge, Dean of King’s College London and Ms Nomfundo Walaza from Cape Town, SA will speak on “Using the New Testament now in peace-making and conflict resolution.” All are welcome. Thursday 31st July, 6.30 pm, Darwin Suite 1.

Canon Giles Goddard, Chair of IC, said “The conference has been planned as a chance for people to meet and talk. That’s it. As a church we have to work out new ways of living together. It’s not a time for point scoring or arguing but for engaging and listening.”

IC welcomes the acknowledgement by the Archbishop of Wales on Sunday that he would, if agreed by the Church in Wales, consecrate a gay bishop in a relationship. The first Lambeth Conference was born out of controversy, and focused on unity as a way forward. The reality of Anglican welcome means that the issues which face us are here to stay.

For further information contact;
Revd Canon Giles Goddard: 07762 373 674
Revd Clare Herbert: 07504 577 210

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16 years ago

What is this thing about imposing fancy titles on people that everyone, on both sides of the dividing issues, seems to be developing? Inclusive Church says that the president at its Eucharist is “Rt Revd Carlos Touché-Porter, Archbishop of Mexico and a Primate of the Anglican Communion.” According to the Anglican Communion website, his title is “Presiding Bishop of La Iglesia Anglicana de Mexico & Bishop of Mexico.” ( ) He’s not an archbishop. (I’ve been whining for a year on this subject about Venables; I don’t need someone else to whine about!) And what is a “Primate of… Read more »

Martin Reynolds
Martin Reynolds
16 years ago

Well said dr. primrose!

Giles Goddard
Giles Goddard
16 years ago

Bishop Carlos refers to himself as the Archbishop of Mexico and is Primate of the Anglican Church of Mexico. He is therefore a primate of the Anglican Communion.

Rae Fletcher
16 years ago

Not to be picky, but if the reference is to be used about any primate, the person would be a Primate “in” the Anglican Communion rather than “of” it.

16 years ago

Not sure that I see Richard Burridge as ‘inclusive’ in the sense of ‘Inclusive Church’. As I understand him, he is totally inclusive in saying the Gospel is for all (sinners etc.) but fairly prescriptive once everybody is inside.

16 years ago

“As I understand [Richard Burridge], he is totally inclusive in saying the Gospel is for all (sinners etc.) but fairly prescriptive once everybody is inside.” – Posted by john

I don’t know anything at all about Richard Burridge.

I DO know that Inclusive Church IS “fairly prescriptive” re sin. As always, the rub is ***WHAT CONSTITUTES SIN*** (which is dependent on one’s INTERPRETATION of Scripture, Tradition and Reason).

I’m really tired of this canard, that “Inclusive Gospel”, or “Inclusive Church”, means “including [i.e., rationalizing or justifying] sin.” This is NOT true!

16 years ago

Not my implication.

I do know a bit about RB. I think that he’s fairly prescriptive on the gay issue, i.e. he’s not one to allow (much) for historical circs., progressive revelation, etc.

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