Thinking Anglicans


Tomorrow, there is a meeting, the National Evangelical Anglican Consultation 2008, organised by the Church of England Evangelical Council. There are a number of articles about this already published.

The programme is here.

This week’s Church of England Newspaper has Preventing CEEC from becoming a ‘Rump Parliament’ by Stephen Kuhrt.

John Richardson has responded here to that article.

This week’s Church Times has Is NEAC5 really representative? by Graham Kings, currently subscription-only, but another copy is available here at Fulcrum.

Also, Andrew Goddard wrote Hopes for NEAC 2008: A Personal Reflection.

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15 years ago

One notes the amount of infighting regarding representation and definitions and the Conservative Evangelical questioning of the commitment of the Open Evangelicals as to with whom they wish to gather. For myself, I pulled myself from commenting, but with my web name quoted once I was sucked back into defending the legitimacy of the liberal view against NP (we should all remember him) and Phil Allcock. NP is posting at Fulcrum in quantity, recognising the divisions but pushing for evangelical unity on his terms. The immediate matter is the apparent unrepresentative nature of the evangelical party body that is meeting.

Erika Baker
Erika Baker
15 years ago

“NP is posting at Fulcrum in quantity, recognising the divisions but pushing for evangelical unity on his terms”

And you’ve not been tempted to search the TA archives for all his confident sneers that evangelical disunity was liberal propaganda that would be revealed as a lie once the ABC had used TWR to deal with TEC? QED.

The interesting thing would be to hear the general response on Fulcrum.

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
15 years ago

Here at the CEEC you have the rump of a Confessing Reformed Anglican church which will be set up within the Church of England and the weak leadership of the Bench of Bishops will do nothing to take it on.

Just as Bishop Wright has done nothing about the Jesmond plant in his diocese.

Or the Bishop of Newcstle has done nothing to assert his authority over Jesmond Parish church…which does not allow him to confirm.

Just ignore it the TEC lesadeship did, and look what has happened there.

15 years ago

I will be off on a tangent here but taking this and his other latest post, about the new supernatural series ‘Apparitions’, that has Martin Shaw playing an avuncular exorcist, and seeing where in the world he lives and breathes, I am guessing that John Richardson does not get it at all. What was interesting about ‘Apparitions’ was the fact it centered on child abuse – in the week of coverage on the Baby P. case. Richardson is being innocently jocular about the fear of ‘higher ups’ who are concerned that renewed interest in the supernatural may have a pronounced… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“2.00pm “How do we move on from here?” – Canon Dr Christina Baxter, Principal of St John’s; the Rt Revd Pete Broadbent, Bishop of Willesdon; the Revd Mike Ovey, Principal of Oak Hill College, and the Revd Doktor Canon Chris Sugden, Anglican Mainstream set out their perspectives on ‘Shaping The Future.’ – CEEC Council Meeting – The venue – All Souls, Langham Place – not too surprising, there. Also present Bishop Nazir-Ali, no suroprise there, either. Oh, and Mr Sugden. Now that will have been be quite a party. “Where do we go from here?” – Well, there are some… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“Despite these differences in strategy, I believe the overwhelming majority of evangelicals in the CofE would: recognise as Anglicans in good standing those who have been received in good standing by other provinces of the Communion because they have been unable to remain within or have been removed from office by their former province.” This statement by Andrew Goddard presumes rather too much in its expectation of a united front among Evangelicals on the situation of border-crossings by GAFCON primates into the ecclesial territory of TEC and the A.C.of C. Many Evangelicals are, in fact, wanting to affirm the moratorium… Read more »

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
15 years ago

I feel sorry for Christina Baxter as there are forces brewing there who would like to see her and women ministers erased from the Church of England. You have to admire her , for showing her face.

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
15 years ago

“I feel sorry for Christina Baxter as there are forces brewing there who would like to see her and women ministers erased from the Church of England.” I’m not so much sorry for female clergy in the GAFCON camp as I am confused by them. Can they not see what’s coming? And how is it possible to maintain any kind of respect or credibility when your argument essentially is “Well, it was right to overturn 2000 years of Christian Teaching so that I could get ordained, but not possible to apply the exact same process of Scriptural interpretation so that… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

Ford, Have you not realised that, in the main, the Dissidents prefer not to argue on the basis of common logic? Theirs is a culture of ‘What do we consider to be ‘de rigeur’ on matters of faith and (especially) morals – first, in the O.T., secondly, in the N.T. and thirdly, in the statements of Archbishops Mzimbi, Akinola and Jensen. For a female clergy-person to champion the cause of FOCA or GAFCON is not seen to be oxymoronic in the climate of eqivocation common to such purists in the Church. It is a little like closet gay priests or… Read more »

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
15 years ago

“‘What do we consider to be ‘de rigeur’ on matters of faith and (especially) morals” Of course, and this attitude continues in ever finer and finer points. It is fallen human nature, clearly shown in the multitude of Christian groups and the minor little points they declared each other heretics about. So, once they have managed to form their Church of the pure, where they have purged anyone who is nice to someone who has anything other than heterosexual sex within marriage, and anyone who understands Scriptural authority differently, or who wants to ordain women, or who wants to call… Read more »

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