Thinking Anglicans

Episcopal Resignations – Thursday roundup

The Council of Forward in Faith North America has issued this statement.

A Statement from the Council of Forward in Faith North America
November 10, 2010

Regarding the resignations of Bishops Andrew Burnham, Keith Newton, John Broadhurst, Edwin Barnes, and David Silk – it is with thanksgiving that we recognize their faithful witness and service to Forward in Faith and the Anglican Communion in upholding the historic Catholic faith. We assure them of our gratitude and our prayers that God will bless and guide them in their future ministries. We pray that the Holy Spirit will provide discernment and guidance to our Forward in Faith brothers and sisters during this time of transition.

As our beloved brothers in Christ embark on their new chapter of ministry, Forward in Faith North America will remain an Anglican ministry, committed to upholding the historic, catholic faith of the church among its members and its affiliated parishes and jurisdictions.

The Living Church has this piece from John Kingsley Martin: Five Bishops Form Caravan to Rome.

Riazat Butt in her Divine dispatches in The Guardian writes about Quitting Bishops and other things.

David Watkinson writes in the Lancashire Telegraph East Lancs bishops undecided on Catholic church move.

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Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
13 years ago

‘…while Roman Catholicism offers the certainty they sought, it does not necessarily possess anything like the community they once enjoyed in their parish church even if a lot of the conversation was complaints about the malaise of the Church of England.’

A very perceptive commment from Living Church in my view. The grass is greener and all that but the result may be some very lonely people who really end up homeless. Very sad.

13 years ago

Unlike FiF-UK, which so far has been an Anglican, in the correct sense of that word, organization, FiF-NA, even before the assorted secessions of recent years, has been a stew of Anglo-Catholic members of TEC and members of a rag-bag of sects with varied histories and lines of “apostolic succession” which are not in communion with and never have been in communion with Canterbury.

The council statement is probably another ACNA squib.

Ed Tomlinson
13 years ago

But how does Living Church possibly speak from experience when the Ordinariate option has never been tested?

This time people stay together with their priest and possibly in their building. A very, very different situation than in 1992

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

““We have been dismayed, over the last thirty years, to see Anglicans and Catholics move further apart on some of the issues of the day, and particularly we have been distressed by developments in Faith and Order in Anglicanism which we believe to be incompatible with the historic vocation of Anglicanism and the tradition of the Church for nearly two thousand years,” said the bishops’ statement.” – Living Church News Service – The phrase “We have been distressed by developments in Faith and Order in Anglicanism which we believe to be incompatible with the historic vocation of Anglicanism…” is not… Read more »

Spirit of Vatican II
13 years ago

‘…while Roman Catholicism offers the certainty they sought, it does not necessarily possess anything like the community they once enjoyed in their parish church even if a lot of the conversation was complaints about the malaise of the Church of England.’ All too true, except that even the ‘certainty’ is merely papier-maché, since it is predicated on the boycotting of all dialogue and consultation. The Anglican Communion is in a far healthier state than the Catholic Church, because it enjoys the blessings of open discussion as well as the tensions, and because it is able to worship the Lord with… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

Now there stands a true Spirit of Vatican II enthusiast. Bless you VII. Would that your fellow Catholics were more like you and Good Pope John. Then the Church might indeed be ONE, and a bit more holy and less self-righteous.

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