Thinking Anglicans

Episcopal Resignations – Friday roundup

Updated Saturday morning to correct link to Ruth Gledhill video, and Saturday afternoon to add an alternative link.

Nick Assinder in Time: U.K. Bishops Defect to Catholic Church: A Sign of Crisis?

In The Economist: Flying bishops take off

Ruth Gledhill has interviewed David Houlding, chair of the Catholic Group on General Synod and posted the eight-minute interview on YouTube: Schism in Catholic wing of Church of England. She has added this introduction to the video.

Father David Houlding, chair of the Catholic Group on General Synod, tells Ruth Gledhill of The Times why he is staying in the Church of England but opposes women bishops. He also says that the Bishop of Fulham Father John Broadhurst must resign as chair of Forward in Faith.

The video is also available here.

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Lister Tonge
Lister Tonge
14 years ago

I’m not a YouTube officionado but when I tried the link the page tells me that the ‘video has been removed by the user’

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

I, likewise, am not a fan of ‘You Tube’, so Ruth’s comment will be lost on me. Why can’t she just write about it in her newspaper column?

Anne Peat
14 years ago

I too found the same notice on YouTube and was unable to view the video. I would have been interested as David Houlding addressed a deanery synod meeting on the subject of women bishops in Watford just over a week ago and was courteous and humorous.

Anne Peat
14 years ago

Going direct from Ruth Gledhill’s Twitter feed, this link works

Peter Owen
14 years ago

Anne, thanks for that link which I have used to update the link in my article.

Ruth Gledhill
14 years ago

Thanks for the mention on TA. The link is now here. I had to repost it twice for technical reasons, so the link kept changing, but I hope this is the final version. Ruth

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Having now managed to see the video of Ruth’s interview with Fr. David Houlding, I was quite impressed with the obvious sincereity with which he stated his views which, as he himself admits, may not be the views of everyone in his parish of the desirability of staying within the Church of England while others in F.i.F. move into the Ordinariate. He and I share the same ‘high catholic’ understanding of the Church of England’s role in the country of it’s inception. I, too, am concerned that Anglio-Catholics remain within the Provinces of Canterbury and York – simply because much… Read more »

14 years ago

Well said, Fr Ron. I think you have expressed the (FWIW) majority Catholic view (not only w/in the AC, but in the RCC as well—just not among the Popoid subset!)

Jerry Hannon
Jerry Hannon
14 years ago

“I do not see the validity of insisting that Jesus could only be represented at the altar by a Jewish, circumcised and celibate, male rabbi.” – Father Ron Smith Nor did Jesus ask us to be either specifically Jewish or specifically “x;” it was to be what we did in imitation of Him. The embellishment from centuries-on followers has been rather phenomenal. Jesus also did not ask us to be married or unmarried, nor did he discuss sexuality, nor did he demand other conventions of the Jewish culture — and religion — in which He was raised. I am an… Read more »

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