Thinking Anglicans

Conservative reaction to Times letter and ban on adverts

Robert Booth reports in the Guardian that Boris Johnson faces legal action over banned anti-gay bus adverts

…The groups behind the “Not gay … and proud” adverts, which were pulled by the London mayor earlier this month, said they were likely to seek a judicial review of the mayor’s decision on the grounds that it breached their rights to freedom of religion and freedom of expression as guaranteed under the European convention on human rights.

Anglican Mainstream and the Core Issues Trust, whose supporters advocate that gay Christians seek counselling and treatment to curb or even reverse homosexual instincts, said it might also take legal action for breach of contract against the advertising company that booked the adverts, CBS Outdoor.

“Since Boris Johnson intervened, there seems to be a much broader issue about freedom of speech at stake and that is weighing heavily upon us,” said the Rev Lynda Rose, a spokeswoman for Anglican Mainstream. “We feel it is not right that people are not able to express legitimate views that are not an incitement to hatred.”

In their latest press release (links below) AM and CIT state:

Anglican Mainstream and Core Issues Trust reject absolutely the accusation of Boris Johnson that they are intolerant, labeling homosexuality a disease. They affirm the right of individuals to seek change, and to reduce homosexual behaviours, feelings and desires, using both pastoral support and counselling, and psychological therapies administered by professionals. They are actively considering an action for judicial review against the Mayor on the basis that his decision was unlawful, and an interference with their rights under Articles 9 and 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, guaranteeing freedom of religion and expression.

And in relation to the letter to The Times of last Saturday the Guardian reports:

The row over the adverts blew up during the government consultation on opening up marriage to same-sex couples, which continues until June, and Anglican Mainstream and the Core Issues Trust are set against the proposals. On Tuesday, they accused liberal bishops of imposing a “neo-pagan worldview” by supporting gay marriage and claiming there should be “a recognition of God’s grace at work in same-sex partnerships”.

On Saturday, a group of Church of England bishops wrote to the Times complaining that recent statements by church leaders had given the mistaken impression that the Anglican church was universally opposed to the extension of civil marriage to same-sex couples.

“The fact there are same-sex couples who want to embrace marriage should be a cause for rejoicing in the Christian church,” said the letter, signed by the Very Rev Jeffrey John, dean of St Albans, the Right Rev Alan Wilson, bishop of Buckingham, and 13 other senior clergy and lay members of the General Synod.

In response, Anglican Mainstream and the Core Issues Trust issued a statement warning that the liberal clergy were trying to “unacceptably redefine Judeo-Christian belief”.

“They do not have the standing either to rewrite or reinterpret the clear teaching of the Bible, which the Church has always understood to prohibit any and all sexual relations outside the union for life of one man and one woman,” said Canon Dr Chris Sugden, executive secretary of Anglican Mainstream.

The press statement mentioned above is headlined Evangelical groups accuse rebel liberal bishops of bully-boy tactics and neo-paganism. It can be found at Anglican Mainstream, at Core Issues Trust and as a PDF.

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Erika Baker
Erika Baker
12 years ago

“The press statement mentioned above is headlined Evangelical groups accuse rebel liberal bishops of bully-boy tactics and neo-paganism”

I should think so too! You can’t get more bullying than writing a polite letter to the Times!

karen macqueen+
12 years ago

Those who would prevent sexual minorities from having civil equality and who are horrified at the possibility of blessing of same sex marriage now portray themselves as the victims of bullying. It just goes to show that you do not have to be gay to be a drama queen. This is the same tired old rhetoric that falsely claims the Bible standard of marriage is between one man and one woman. The groups that proclaim their faithfulness to the Bible, again, knowingly misrepresent the Bible. Any person who has read the books of the Bible even once knows that the… Read more »

Jean Mayland
Jean Mayland
12 years ago

There are no records of any religious marriage services in the Old Testmaent or the New. Jewish people began to add a blessing to the civil ceremony in the Middle Ages. The Early Church invited couples into Church for a Eucharist after the ceremony. Our current wedding services took over and hallowed elements from earlier secular ceremonies. If the State allows Gay Marriage first and then we follow in due time with a religious certemony , then history will be repeating itself. Those who desire gay marriage and their supporters do not wish to destroy the concept of marriage but… Read more »

Daniel Berry, NYC
Daniel Berry, NYC
12 years ago

If that’s what Canon Sugden thinks the bible “prohibit(s) any and all sexual relations outside the union for life of one man and one woman,” then Canon Sugden either hasn’t read it or is hallucinating.

Chris Smith
Chris Smith
12 years ago

A very shallow and hate filled campaign by the Religious Right claiming this as a freedom of speech and religion issue. This is an old pattern of warfare that has failed completely in the United States because most people saw it as a thinly veiled campaign of hatred, hypocrisy and homophobia. The same reactions will apply in the UK. This is never pretty. It is about exclusion of an entire minority within the Church, bearing no relation to the teachings of Jesus. The Right wishes to disenfranchise and exclude.

David Shepherd
12 years ago

Karen: ‘Any person who has read the books of the Bible even once knows that the standard for marriage in the large majority of biblical texts is the joining of one man with as many women as he can afford to have as wives.’ As you have done, some will interpret every instance of provisional forbearance towards heathen behaviour, such as polygamy, as a permanent licence to continue. In His forbearance, God also permitted Israel to emulate their Canaanite neighbours by establishing a monarchy. Paul’s view of God’s forbearance towards heathen cultural practices in the OT: ‘And the times of… Read more »

12 years ago

“the clear teaching of the Bible, which the Church has always understood to prohibit any and all sexual relations outside the union for life of one man and one woman”.
Errr… such as Abraham, Jacob, David, Solomon to name some of the more famous polygamists in the Old Testament.

12 years ago

Sugden: “The view expressed by some senior serving clergy, and retired bishops, would redefine Christian belief.”

…and when you have neither the facts nor the law on your side, pound the table.

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
12 years ago

Further on the discredited ‘therapies’ -if further evidence were needed.

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
12 years ago

An interview with the good doctor (of education) at the heart of the bus fiasco; and suspended by his psychotherapy body (psychodrama).

Randal Oulton
Randal Oulton
12 years ago

Lovely. Christians fighting for their civil right to be able to deny civil rights to others. Just lovely.

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
12 years ago

Another allegation of cures bites the dust !

Spicer’s apology

Think of all the harm done.

When will Rowan; and the C of E apologize ?

Bill Dilworth
Bill Dilworth
12 years ago

“As you have done, some will interpret every instance of provisional forbearance towards heathen behaviour, such as polygamy, as a permanent licence to continue.”

Except for the fact that the “provisional forbearance” part is entirely eisegesis.

“In His forbearance, God also permitted Israel to emulate their Canaanite neighbours by establishing a monarchy.”

Huh? So now you’ll be pushing for outlawing monarchy on religious grounds?

Daniel Berry, NYC
Daniel Berry, NYC
12 years ago

Mr Shepherd, neither you nor anyone else knows anything on the subject of what the god the Israelites “permitted” because no such “knowledge” can be adduced. The culturally conditioned and repeatedly edited and re-edited material that comes to us under the rubric, “Old Testament” is far from homogeneous and certainly cannot be said to represent the opinions of a god: they can, however be said to portray (from the standpoint of the interests of the power figures in Israel) the forever changing consensus –social, political, economic–of how their “society” will need to operate in order to survive. I have a… Read more »

12 years ago

The teaching on marriage in the Bible includes the directions in Deuteronomy 21:15-27 concerning a husband with two wives and his favoritism of the after-born son of a loved wife over the first-born son of a disliked wife: “If a man has two wives, one of them loved and the other disliked, and if both the loved and the disliked have borne him sons, the firstborn being the son of the one who is disliked, then on the day when he wills his possessions to his sons, he is not permitted to treat the son of the loved as the… Read more »

12 years ago

Send in the clowns . . .

Wait, don’t bother, they’re here.

David Shepherd
12 years ago

Bill Given that our country was never founded upon a prophet-priest theocracy, nor the bearer of the messianic lineage, your sarcastic parallel is entirely inane. Instead of thinking that I’m ‘pushing for outlawing monarchy’, you might agree with the eschatological view of Christ’s return ocerturning worldly monarchies: ‘The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever.” (Rev. 11:15) Maybe not. Nevertheless, in that sense, God exercises a measure of ‘provisional… Read more »

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
12 years ago

The leader of the ‘ex-gay’ movement has said it does not work.

Good on him !

It could not have been at all easy for him.

12 years ago

Yet another posting has apparently gone to spam. Could you check on that, please?

ED: checked and found. Sorry again.

David Shepherd
12 years ago

Daniel: ‘The culturally conditioned and repeatedly edited and re-edited material that comes to us under the rubric, “Old Testament” is far from homogeneous and certainly cannot be said to represent the opinions of a god’ The gospel records Christ’s referring to the same quality of 8th Century BC material from Isaiah: ‘The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, Because the LORD has anointed me To bring good news to the afflicted’ and declaring its first century fulfilment. Of course, given your opinions, why not just tell Christ, that any of His messianic claims ‘certainly cannot be said to… Read more »

Rosemary Hannah
Rosemary Hannah
12 years ago

IF Gafcon were tryng to argue that marriage has little or no place in the purest Christian tradition, they might, just, have a point. It would be a pretty hard and Apostolic understanding of commitment to the Kingdom, but believable. Trying to insist the marriage is somehow central the the faith is laughable.

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
12 years ago

Forget the bus!

The whole ‘therapeutic’ notion it was based and Spicer’s ‘findings’ have been blown out of theater.

Spicer humself has disowned them: “I was wrong.”!

He’s sory for any loss of time or ‘inconvenience’.

oh rich.

When will Rowan Williams have the decency to apologise for misleading us – twice over – apparently ?

Mark Bennet
Mark Bennet
12 years ago

People who do not believe in the established church think they should make laws for everyone … poverty of reflection on power is the mark of this generation.

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