Thinking Anglicans

Church of Ireland Gazette interviews at General Synod

Ian Ellis, editor of the Church of Ireland Gazette, interviewed the bishop of Dover, and two of the editors of Thinking Anglicans, following the General Synod vote to adjourn the debate on final approval of the women bishops legislation. You can listen to, or download, both interviews here.

The Gazette also has an editorial about the Synod meeting which you can read here.

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Father Ron Smith
12 years ago

Ian Ellis’ interview with Simon and Peter (T.A.) gave excellent coverage of what the General Synod Vote – referring the Amended Draft Measure for the Ordination of Women Bishops back to the House of Bishops for further consideration is really about. Seemingly, the House of bishops made a monumental mistake in clouding the issue, by presenting the Amendments as they did. Let’s all hope that they will try to recover their composure by dropping the Amendments and re-presenting the original Draft Measure for the next (November) meeting of the General Synod. Hopefully, the Measure may then succeed. Otherwise, the only… Read more »

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