Thinking Anglicans

General synod – November 2012 – online papers

Online copies of the papers for the November 2012 meeting of General Synod are now available online; they are listed below, with links and a note of the day they are scheduled for debate.

In addition a zip file of all papers is available; this also includes the first six notice papers and a list of recent appointments.

The Report of the Business Committee (GS 1878) includes a forecast of future business, and I have copied this below the fold.

The Church of England’s own list of papers is presented in agenda order.

GS 1708D – Draft Bishops and Priests (Consecration and Ordination of Women) Measure [Tuesday]
GS 1709C – Draft Amending Canon No.30 [Tuesday]
GS 1709E – Draft Petition for Her Majesty’s Royal Assent and Licence [Tuesday]
GS 1708-09ZZZ – Reconsideration of Clause 5(1)(c) by the House of Bishops

GS 1878 – Report by the Business Committee on the Article 8 Reference [Monday]

GS 1879 Agenda

GS 1880 – Report by the Business Committee [Monday]

GS 1881A – Diocesan Synod Motion: Amendment to Canon B12 and Regulations Note (from the Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham) [Wednesday]
GS 1881B – Diocesan Synod Motion: Amendment to Canon B12 and Regulations Note (from the Secretary General [Wednesday]

GS 1882A – Private Member’s Motion: Living Wage (from Mr John Freeman) [Wednesday]
GS 1882B – Private Member’s Motion: Living Wage (from the Chair of the Mission and Public Affairs Council [Wednesday]

GS 1883 – Youth Unemployment plus I Am One in a Million leaflet [Wednesday]

GS 1884 – 47th Report of the Standing Orders Committee [Contingency Business]

Other papers

GS Misc 1034 – Consecration of Women to the Episcopate: Future Process

GS Misc 1036 – Archbishops’ Council Report since July 2012 Group of Sessions

Forecast of future General Synod business

This forecast should not be read as more than a broad indication of business that may come to the Synod in 2013.

Legislative business

  • Amending Code of Practice under the Clergy Discipline Measure (to reflect changes made by the Amending Measure)
  • Amending Rules under the Clergy Discipline Measure (to reflect changes made by the Amending Measure)
  • Vacancy in See Committees: Amending Regulation (re Bradford DSM)
  • Amending scheme in relation to the Diocese in Europe Constitution (deemed business)
  • Amending Canon and Amending Rules (to implement recommendations of the Elections Review Group) (July)
  • Amendments to the Faculty Jurisdiction Rules (July)
  • Miscellaneous Provisions Measure – Revision Stage (July) [and Final Approval (November)]
  • Fees Orders (July)
  • ? Bishops and Priests (Consecration and Ordination of Women) Measure: Code of Practice (July [and November])
  • ? Dioceses of Bradford, Ripon & Leeds and Wakefield Reorganisation Scheme, with related Vacancy in See Committees Regulation and provision for synodical representation (July)

Liturgical business

  • Additional Texts for Holy Baptism (July)


  • Report of the Standing Orders Committee (contingency business in November 2012)
  • Developing a Strategy for the Growth of the Church of England (Mission and Public Affairs Council)
  • Report on the work of the Elections Review Group (July)
  • Report of the Simplification Group (July)
  • Fresh Directions in Local Unity in Mission (Council for Christian Unity) (July)
  • The Church School of the Future: implementation (Education Division) (July)
  • ? Re-imagining Ministry (Ministry Division)
  • ? Debate on the Economy (Mission and Public Affairs Council)

One or more Diocesan Synod Motions and one or more Private Members’ Motions are customarily included in the Agenda for each group of sessions (see Special Agendas III and IV).

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