Thinking Anglicans

Women Bishops: final press previews

Updated Tuesday morning

Guardian Lizzy Davies Church of England prepares for vote on female bishops

Telegraph John Bingham General Synod: arcane procedures mask passions running high
and Church warned over women bishops
Emma Barnett Women bishops: refuseniks have run out of excuses
Peter Stanford Women bishops: judgment day, at last

Mail Online Church of England to hold final vote tomorrow on whether to approve a law to allow women bishops


BBC Women bishops: Church of England synod to vote

Guardian Editorial Let bulwarks be bishops: women in the Church of England

Guardian Natalie Hanman Should women be bishops?

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Randal Oulton
Randal Oulton
11 years ago

>> Susie Leafe, of the campaign group “Proper Provision” that represents women opposed to women bishops, said a failure to include robust safeguards for traditionalists would lead to a slow haemorrhaging of evangelicals. “It won’t be the death of Christianity,” she said. “The Church will grow, it just won’t be the Church of England.” The right wing in the church is so sure that any growth is owing to it. I’m not so sure that they’re not actually in the way. There are many people in their 40s, 50s, 60s… looking for a return to something, and a traditional liturgical,… Read more »

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