Thinking Anglicans

Women Bishops: news and comment

Here is an interesting perspective from Nigeria: Paul Obi for This Day Live Anglican Church Rejects Women Bishops amid Rancour

Alan Wilson Church & State: Another fine mess?

John Lloyd for Reuters A church divided against itself cannot stand

The Bishop of Liverpool spoke about women bishops in the House of Lords yesterday (during a debate about preventing violence against women).

Jody Stowell asks Are Women Really Human?

Ed Thornton has two articles in today’s Church Times that are available to non-subscribers.
C of E to set about resolving deadlock on women bishops
Campaigners seek to change the system

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Father David
Father David
12 years ago

I don’t necessarily hold a candle for Tony Baldry M.P. but I think the Bishop of Buckingham is being more than a little harsh on the Member of Parliament for Banbury in criticising him for sporting a Garrick Club tie. As Vice President of SEONS (The Society for the Elimination of the Open Neck Shirt) I commend Mr. Baldry for his elegant neck wear when so many under his leader’s example choose to dispense with this fashion accessory. The bishop goes on to say “It’s probably a one clause measure within two years or curtains for the establishment.” Some do… Read more »

12 years ago


Perhaps the “One Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church” should listen much more closely to Jesus when he condemns the established church for excluding people. Is it possible that after all these centuries, bigotry that is clear to many, has been elevated by MAN as divinely ordained?

Is it possible that you are creating God in your image rather than seeing all people as created in the image of God?

Randal Oulton
Randal Oulton
12 years ago

This is a couple times I’ve noticed it now (in the Paul Obi piece), Nigerians referring to the Bishop of Canterbury. Technically true of course, but I notice that Primate Paul Obi didn’t publish under a lesser title of “vicar.” I wonder if there’s a language agenda going on, or maybe it’s just their usage.

Rosemary Hannah
12 years ago

+Liverpool bang on the nail … the arguments demeaning women are bound in a terrible continuum to violence against them.

12 years ago

I notice that the Nigerian comment contains the error that the House of Laity voted AGAINST the legislation. There is also a rather snide insinuation that Sentamu was not advanced to Canterbury for, shall we say, less than honourable reasons. Not a nice piece.

John Waldsax
John Waldsax
12 years ago

On the Nigerian reaction we should remember that perception is reality. “There is also a rather snide insinuation that Sentamu was not advanced to Canterbury for, shall we say, less than honourable reasons.” – cryptogram

When we have not “Thinking Anglicans” but “Thoughtless Factions” campaigning publicly on the basis of “Anyone but Sentamu” than they can hardly express surprise when accused of racism.

Laurence C.
Laurence C.
12 years ago

“we should remember that perception is reality” John Waldsax Is it? So if someone is not selected for a job for some reason entirely unconnected with his/her ethnic origin but a third party thinks it is connected with their ethnic origin, then it *is* racial discrimination? This reminds me of a business setting where it was attempted, very unfairly, to measure customer satisfaction by how long customers thought they had queued rather than the objective reality of how long they had actually queued. There really isn’t a lot you can do about what goes on in people’s imaginations but dignifying… Read more »

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