Thinking Anglicans

Ministry Statistics 2012 published

The Church of England has published its Statistics for Mission 2012: Ministry today. You can download them here.

There is this accompanying press release.

CofE ministry playing vital role in every community, show latest stats
18 October 2013

Ministry Statistics for 2012, published today by the Research and Statistics Division of the Archbishops’ Council, show a change in patterns of ministry over the past 10 years with numbers remaining largely constant.

The overall number of diocesan licensed clergy declined by 1% in the decade between 2002 and 2012. The number of full-time stipendiary clergy was 7,798 in 2012, a fall of 2% since 2011. They now represent 69% of all licensed clergy compared to 80% in 2002. Over the same period the number of self-supporting ministers increased by 50% from 2,091 in 2002 to 3,148.

The 2012 statistics show a continuing trend of increase in the proportion of female clergy in all categories. Whereas in 2012 there were 6,017 male full-time stipendiary clergy compared with 7,920 in 2002, a fall of 24%, in the same period their female counterparts have increased by 41% from 1,262 to 1,781. Women now account for 21% or one in five incumbents or those of incumbent status. Amongst senior clergy the percentage has increased from 4% to 11%.

The number of ordinations has remained broadly stable since 2002. In 2012 22% of recommended candidates were under the age of 30, compared to 15% in both 2002 and 2007. This reflects a focus in the dioceses on encouraging vocations among younger people.

Ven Julian Hubbard, the Church of England’s director of ministry said: “These statistics reflect changing patterns of ministry, to meet the changing demands of 21st Century life, with an increasing reliance on self-supporting ministers and the spread of ministry teams. The continued commitment to ministry in the Church if England shows the importance of the Church as a Christian presence in every community.”

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paul richardson
paul richardson
10 years ago

Am I right in seeing that the projections towards 2022 show at best around another 1000 fewer stipendiary clergy by then and at worst about 1300/1400 fewer? Parishes and dioceses in England will have to face up to some further serious pastoral reorganisation and rethinking of stipendiary and non-stipendiary deployment if we are as a Church to continue to be part of God’s mission in every community.

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