Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – Monday business

Order paper 1

Questions order paper

Archbishop Justin’s presentation to the General Synod

Press Release: Archbishops address Synod on first day of November sitting

After a debate on Intentional Evangelism this motion was passed.

That this Synod in the light of the priority of evangelism and making new disciples:
(a) support the formation of an Archbishops’ Task Group on Evangelism with the terms of reference and timetable as set
out in GS 1917 and urge that its membership include:
(i) staff of Anglican home mission agencies with expertise in helping local churches engage in effective evangelism and disciple-making, and
(ii) those with a proven record in those disciplines at local level;
(b) call upon the Task Group to make its first priority a new call to prayer;
(c) commend to the Task Group an initial programme for its work around the seven disciplines of evangelisation as set
out in the same paper;
(d) call upon every diocesan and deanery synod and every PCC to spend the bulk of one meeting annually and some
part of every meeting focusing on sharing experiences and initiatives for making new disciples; and
(e) urge every local church in 2014 prayerfully to try at least one new way, appropriate to their local context, of seeking to make new disciples of Jesus Christ.

Press release on the debate on this motion: Synod approves motion to support an Archbishops’ Task Group on Evangelism

Text of presentation: Women in the Episcopate Bishop of Rochester, James Langstaff

Official summary of the day’s business: General Synod- Monday PM

Live video stream

For official twitter coverage of General Synod follow @CofEGenSyn.

All Synod papers are linked here.

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David Goss
David Goss
10 years ago

On 8 Nov you provided a link to a talk by Jonathan Clatworthy entitled ‘Honest to God: 50 years on, has the Church still got its head in the sand?’ – Reading through the paper being debated here (GS1917) it seems to me that the answer has to be ‘yes, it does still have its head in the sand.’ – Section 1 outlines the story of Jesus but gives no indication that there might be some question as to which parts of this story are to be understood as history and which as metaphor or myth. Section 4 outlines the… Read more »

Mark Bennet
Mark Bennet
10 years ago

There used to be an audio recording where those of us busy at the time of a particular debate could catch up later. Is the live video recorded for “watch later” purposes (like BBC iPlayer)? – At the moment I can’t see how to catch up on questions, for example.

David Keen
David Keen
10 years ago

Sticking your head in the sand can take many forms. One of the most common of recent times has been to assume that next year the dire statistics on declining church attendance, membership etc. will miraculously reverse themselves. Personally I’m pleased to see that Synod has passed this motion, and that the CofE is starting to look seriously at the facts of decline, and what we do about it.

Father Ron Smith
10 years ago

Regarding the task of evangelisation facing the Church of England in the coming years; a lot may just depend on action taken at this General Synod on two important matters requiring urgent resolution: 1: The Ordination of Women as Bishops. 2: The speedy recognition of the common human rights of LGBT people who are part of the Church, as both clergy and laity. Pope Francis is setting a good example here. He is opening up the Church to the possibility of real dialogue on issues of human justice. When is the Church of England going to follow suit? This would… Read more »

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