Thinking Anglicans

Christians in Iraq

Church House press release

Archbishop Warda addresses Synod about the persecution of Christians in Iraq
10 February 2015

Christianity in Iraq is going through one of the worst and hardest stages of its long history, the Archbishop of the Chaldean Diocese of Erbil, Iraq, has told the General Synod.

In an address at Church House, Westminster, Archbishop Bashar Warda said Iraqi Christians who have been forced to flee their villages during the past year are in “desperate” need of financial and material support.

The Archbishop’s speech is available here.

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Nicholas Henderson
Nicholas Henderson
10 years ago

Thank you for including this section on the Synod. I hope it produces some comments. The parlous state of Christianity and the dreadful suffering of our fellow Christians in the Middle East makes Bishops’ chauffeurs pale into insignificance.

Much of the current Middle Eastern problem can be traced to the profoundly unfortunate Western adventure in what was the 2003 Iraq War. We have a responsibility for the mess but how to fix it – that’s the problem.

In the meantime Christians in the Middle East would be astonished at how their counterparts in the West have forgotten them.

Stevie Gamble
Stevie Gamble
10 years ago


I suspect that Christians in the Middle East are not at all astonished; it has been only too obvious that those primarily responsible for the invasion of Iraq, who professed deep Christian faith, have studiously ignored the greatest destruction of Christian communities in living memory.

Of course, chauffeur driven limousines do help their passengers to overlook the realities of the world around them…

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