Thinking Anglicans

General Synod timetable – July 2017

Updated 2 July to incorporate revised tiemtable

The Church of England’s General Synod will meet in York from Friday July 7 until Monday July 11. The outline timetable is available here, and is copied below. The full agenda will be published with the first release of papers on Friday June 16.

revised timetable


Friday 7 July
2.30 pm – 7.00 pm
2.30 pm Opening worship
Introduction and welcomes
Response on behalf of ecumenical guests
3.15 pm Report by the Business Committee
3.45 pm Debate on a motion from the Archbishops “After the General Election, a still small voice of calm”
4.45 pm Legislative Business Amending Canon No. 36 – Final Drafting
5.05 pm Approval of appointment to the Archbishops’ Council
5.25 pm Church Commissioners Annual Report – Presentation under Standing Order 107 followed by Q&A
*6.00 pm Questions
7.00 pm Close of business

Saturday 8 July
7.30 am Holy Communion in the Berrick Saul Theatre
8.15 am House of Bishops meeting to approve the final form of Amending Canons Nos. 36 and 37

9.00 am – 12.30 pm
9.00 am Morning worship
9.15 am Presentation from the House of Bishops on the Proposals for the Pastoral Advisory Group on Human Sexuality and the development of the Teaching Document – Presentation under S.O. 107 followed by Q&A
10.15 am Report from the Mission and Public Affairs Council on the Presence and Engagement Interfaith programme
*11.00 Legislative Business Legislative Reform Measure – Final Drafting / Final Approval
11.45 Legislative Business Statute Law (Repeals) Measure – Final Drafting/Final Approval
12.00 Legislative Business Pensions (Pre-consolidation) Measure – Final Drafting / Final Approval
*12.10 Introductory Session: National Support for Local Churches – Presentation under Standing Order 107

12.30 pm – 2.30 pm

Synod members meet in groups from 2.30 pm – 4.00 pm
2.30 pm Workshops on Forms of National Support for Local Churches

4.30 pm – 7.00 pm
4.30 pm Report from the Archbishops’ Council on National Support for Local Churches
5.45 pm Private Member’s Motion – Conversion Therapy
7.00 pm Close of business

8.30 pm Meeting of the House of Laity

Sunday 9 July

10.00 am Holy Communion in York Minster

2.30 pm – 7.00 pm
2.30 pm Diocesan Synod Motion – Welcoming Transgender People
3.45 pm Interim Report on the Review of the Crown Nominations Commission – Presentation under S.O. 107 followed by Q&A
4.30 pm Report from the House of Clergy on a Covenant for Clergy Wellbeing
5.45 pm
Meetings of the House of Laity and Convocations from 5.45-7.00 pm [including evening worship]
Private Member’s Motion – Schools Admissions Code
7.00 pm Close of business

Monday 10 July
9.00 am – 12.30 pm
9.00 am Morning worship
9.15 am Diocesan Synod Motion – Cost of Applying for Citizenship
10.30 am Report from the Elections Review Group
10.50 am Presentation from the Elections Review Group Presentation under S.O. 107 followed by Q&A
11.50 pm Legislative Business (ctd …) Amending Canon No. 36 – Final Approval

12.30 pm – 2.30 pm

2.30 pm – 5.00 pm
2.30 pm Archbishops’ Council’s Annual Report 2016 – Presentation under S.O. 106 followed by Q&A
3.00 pm Archbishops’ Council’s Budget for 2018
4.00 pm Amending Canon No. 37 – Final Approval
*4.30 pm Farewells
*5.00 pm Prorogation

Contingency Business
Private Members’ Motion: Schools Admission Code
Diocesan Synod Motion: Food wastage

Deemed Items
The Archbishops’ Council Audit Committee Annual Report
Report from the Standing Orders Committee on the amendments to the Standing Orders required in connection with the Legislative Reform Measure and other matters
Miscellaneous Provisions Measure
Payments to the CCT Order
Fees Orders

* not later than
Please note that all timings are indicative unless marked with an asterisk

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Helen King
Helen King
7 years ago

Am I alone in finding the label ‘Teaching document’ unnerving? Is it supposed to echo the 1999 ‘Teaching document’ on marriage, and also to duplicate its Q & A format? I also wonder how such a document can reflect the diversity of views on human sexuality held within the Church of England.

7 years ago

I had a similar reaction Helen. Sadly the Church of England has lost any authority to teach its members about human sexuality one way or the other. The shared conversations were necessary because it had so much to learn. While it will be interesting to hear what lessons it has now learned, that doesn’t make it ready to teach. It has to graduate first.

Stanley Monkhouse, the artist formerly known as Fr William
7 years ago

I’m sorry to say that the Bishops en masse have little authority to do or teach anything as far as I’m concerned, and they have virtually no impact at all on my congregations. This is a shame, for amongst the diocesans there are some with first class minds, including, I’m delighted to say, Dr Ipgrave, my diocesan (and no, i am not grovelling). If I need good quality teaching on contemporary matters I look at the Vatican website, or turn to Dr Sacks, or HH Dalai Lama, to name but three sources. Then, shock horror, I make up my own… Read more »

7 years ago

The bishops, particularly the archbishops, would love to have the equivalent to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. A “teaching document” is their political way of doing the same thing. Their problem is that Anglicans are naturally independent and they are likely to face more critique than the bishops would wish.

Lavinia Nelder
Lavinia Nelder
7 years ago

If they are going to look seriously at teaching, it wouldn’t hurt them to look North of the border.

Mark Bennet
Mark Bennet
7 years ago

The Oxford DSM on appointment of bishops seems to have dropped off the agenda. Please, if you are from another diocese find a way of supporting a review (Deanery Synod motions for Diocesan Synod to kick to General Synod, private members motions at Diocesan Synod – check your standing orders – this needs to be a church-wide review and not an establishment stitch-up, because it is the establishment who have caused the problem)

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