Thinking Anglicans

July General Synod – online papers

Update Links to almost all the papers are now (22 June) available and have been added below.
Update Remaining links added (5 July)
Update All papers are available to download via Dropbox

The first batch of papers for next month’s meeting of the Church of England’s General Synod are now available online. The remaining papers will be issued on 22 June and I will add links when these become available.

Papers in numerical order with a note of the day scheduled for their consideration are listed below the fold. Synod meets from Friday 6 to Tuesday 10 July 2018 in York.

GS 2090 Agenda

GS 2046Z & GS 2047Z Draft Ecumenical Relations Measure & Amending Canon No. 38 – Report of the Steering Committee
GS 2046B Draft Ecumenical Relations Measure [Monday]
GS 2047B Draft Amending Canon No. 38 [Monday]
GS 2047C Amending Canon No. 38 – Petition for Royal Assent [Monday]

GS 2046AA Draft Church Representation and Ministers Measure [Monday]
GS 2047AA Draft Amending Canon No. 39 [Monday]
GS 2046YY & 2047YY Draft Church Representation and Minister Measure & Draft Amending Canon No. 39 – Report from the Steering Committee and Summary note [Monday]

GS 2064Z Draft Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure – Report of the Steering Committee [Friday]
GS 2064B Draft Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure [Monday]

GS 2083A Draft Church Property Measure [Monday]
Table of Origins, Table of Destinations and Drafting Notes
GS 2084A Draft Church of England Pensions Measure [Monday]
Table of Origins, Table of Destinations and Drafting Notes
GS 2083Y & 2084Y Draft Amending Canon No. 40 & Draft Church Property Measure – Report from Steering Committee [Monday]

GS 2089A Long Term Sustainability of the National Health Service
GS 2089B Background note from the Secretary General [Monday]

GS 2090 Agenda

GS 2091 Business Committee Report [Friday]

GS 2092 Safeguarding [Saturday]

GS 2093 Climate Change and Investment [Sunday]
[see also GS Misc 1196 below]

GS 2094A and GS 2094B Environment Programmes [Sunday]

GS 2095 The Ethics of Nuclear Weapons [Sunday]

GS 2096 Annual Report from the Archbishops’ Council [Monday]

GS 2097 Archbishops’ Council’s Budget and Proposals for Apportionment for 2019 [Monday]

GS 2098 Report from the Evangelism Task Group and the Evangelism and Discipleship Team [Monday]

GS 2099 Reappointment of the Chair of the Pensions Board [Tuesday]

GS 2100 Reappointment of the Chair of the Finance Committee to the Archbishops’ Council [Tuesday]

GS 2101A Report from the Cathedrals Working Group
GS 2101B Consultation Summary [Tuesday]

GS 2102 53rd Report from the Standing Orders Committee [Tuesday]

GS 2103 Draft Amending Canon No. 40 [Friday]
GS 2103x Explanatory Memorandum

GS 2104 Draft Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) (No. 2) Measure [Monday]
GS 2104x Explanatory Memorandum

GS 2105 Draft Amending Canon No. 41 (deemed)
GS 2105x Explanatory Memorandum

GS 2106 Pensions (Pre-Consolidation) Order (deemed)
GS 2106x Explanatory Memorandum

GS 2109 Code of Practice on Mission initiatives (deemed)
GS 2109x Explanatory Memorandum

other papers

GS Misc 1185 Crown Nominations Review Update
GS Misc 1186 Table of Business Transacted in the 2015-2020 Quinquennium
GS Misc 1187 General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
GS Misc 1188 Saturday Seminars
GS Misc 1189 2018 Annual Report of the Joint Covenant Advocacy and Monitoring Group
GS Misc 1190 An update on Resourcing Ministerial Education
GS Misc 1191 Update on the Archbishops’ Council’s Activities
GS Misc 1192 Summary of decisions from the House of Bishops
GS Misc 1193 Annual Report from the Clergy Discipline Commission
GS Misc 1194 Annual Report from the Archbishops’ Council’s Audit Committee
GS Misc 1195 Online Elections Pilot
GS Misc 1196 Climate Change and Investment: a paper from the Diocese of Oxford
GS Misc 1197 Mission and Ministry in Covenant
GS Misc 1198 Strategic Investment Board Annual Report
GS Misc 1199/A(18)2 Recent Appointments

Church Commissioners Annual Report
1st Notice Paper – 53rd Report of the Standing Orders Committee
2nd Notice Paper – Security
3rd Notice Paper – Deadlines
4th Notice Paper – Amendments and motions
5th Notice Paper – Worship
6th Notice Paper – Erratum
7th Notice Paper – Displays
8th Notice Paper – Financial Memo
9th Notice Paper – Progress of Measures
10th Notice Paper – Amendments and motions
11th Notice Paper – Change of Timing
12th Notice Paper – Notification
13th Notice Paper – Deemed items
14th Notice Paper – Article 7 business
Questions Notice Paper
Order Paper 1
Order Paper 2
Order Paper 3
Order Paper 4
Order Paper 5
Order Paper 6
Chairs of Debates
Privacy Notice

House of Clergy Papers

Agenda – (HC(18)A1)
How much are clergy worth? – (HC(18)1)
Clergy remuneration – (HC(18)2)

Article 7 Business

Convocation of York Agenda
Convocation of Canterbury Agenda
House of Laity Agenda

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