Thinking Anglicans

new CofE statistics

Updated Saturday
Another item added to the CofE website can be found here. It’s a comment by Grace Davie on the recently-published predictions (from others) of church attendance in the future.

See for example Churches ‘on road to doom if trends continue’. Or Bleak future predicted for declining churches.

Steven Croft also commented about this in the CEN.

A huge volume of new statistics has been published on the Church of England website.

Press Release: New statistics show the costs of church repairs.
Don’t be put off by this weird title, the statistics cover much more than building costs, as the following strap shows:

Church Statistics 2003/4

Parochial church attendance, membership and finance statistics together with statistics of licensed ministers for the Church of England

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19 years ago

.. a lot of them contain graphical images that don’t work with Firefox – for non windows users this is a bit tough – grr! I’ll try the user-agent switcher.

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