Thinking Anglicans

Bishops of Birmingham and Peterborough announce their retirements

I missed the announcements at the time, but the Rt Revd David Urquhart, Bishop of Birmingham, will retire on 18 October 2022, and the Rt Revd Donald Allister, Bishop of Peterborough, in January 2023.

The Bishop of Birmingham
Bishop of Peterborough announces retirement

It was also announced today that the Rt Revd Mark Ashcroft, suffragan Bishop of Bolton in the diocese of Manchester, will retire in February 2023.

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Fr Dean
Fr Dean
2 years ago

There’s something unedifying about Bishop Allister’s self congratulatory announcement. Almost immodest.

Stephen Griffiths
Stephen Griffiths
Reply to  Fr Dean
2 years ago

His letter to the diocese, which is quoted in part on the webpage liked above, is much more down to earth and in keeping with his reserved style. I think this is a well meaning tribute which is probably aimed at the local press looking for information.

Charles Read
Reply to  Fr Dean
2 years ago

I don’t think he wrote the piece on the website. However, TA readers might like to note two things: He was an opponent of the ordination of women who changed his mind. He ordains women and the women clergy in his diocese who I speak to all say they find him a great support. I think he deserves credit for his integrity here. Early on I gather he closed some Fresh Expressions of Church in his diocese (others can tell me I am wrong if that’s the case) as they were not reaching people outside the church. Would that this… Read more »

Susannah Clark
Susannah Clark
Reply to  Charles Read
2 years ago

Yes, I believe Bishop Donald’s views evolved over time. Like many of us, he has been on a journey of faith and discovery. My experience, in the diocese of Peterborough, is that he has a pastoral heart.

Unreliable Narrator
Unreliable Narrator
Reply to  Charles Read
2 years ago

It’s published on his Diocesan website in the voice of the Diocese. Either the Bishop did not know what was being said in the name of his Diocese, or he may be taken to have approved of it.

Charles Read
Reply to  Unreliable Narrator
2 years ago

Bishops do not vet the diocesan website – so probably the former!

Anthony Archer
Anthony Archer
Reply to  Fr Dean
2 years ago

He’s been a singularly good diocesan bishop. Didn’t shy away from increasing stipendiary clergy numbers in the early years, and seeking a step-up in Parish Share to pay for them. Less easy these days.

David Lamming
David Lamming
2 years ago

Both bishops David and Allister were given fulsome farewell tributes by Archbishop Justin at the end of the General Synod meeting in York last Tuesday (12 July). Archbishop Stephen gave the tribute to the retiring Bishop of Blackburn, Julian Henderson. (Bishops David and Julian were in the chamber to hear the farewells; Bishop Allister was on Zoom)

Anthony Archer
Anthony Archer
2 years ago

Creates a vacancy for the Convener of the Lords Spiritual. Is it Buggins’ Turn? I jest. But House of Lords reform must surely get back on the agenda at some point, not that that will change this role any time soon.

Homeless Anglican
Homeless Anglican
2 years ago

I had some brief dealings with +Peterborough, and found him to be a rare and attractive mix of pastoral, incisive, collaborative, humble and supportive. God speed to him in his retirement.

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