Thinking Anglicans

Christ Church Oxford: Peter Moger appointed Sub Dean

Christ Church press release: Revd Canon Peter Moger appointed new Sub Dean

Today it was announced that His Majesty The King has approved the appointment of the Revd Canon Peter Moger as the new Sub Dean of Christ Church.

Canon Moger joins us from the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides, where he was based in Stornoway and served as Episcopalian priest to the Isle from 2019. Before this he was Canon Residentiary and Precentor of York Minster from 2010, where he oversaw the Music Department and shared in the governance of the Minster. Canon Moger read Music at Merton College, Oxford, and has written several books on Church Music, as well as acting as Secretary to the Liturgical Commission…

10 Downing Street announcement: Appointment of Residentiary Canonry of the Cathedral Church of Christ Oxford: 4 August 2023

…The King has approved The Reverend Canon Peter Moger, Priest in Charge of St Peter, Stornoway and St Moluag, Eoropaidh, in the Diocese of Argyll and The Isles, be appointed to a Residentiary Canonry of the Cathedral Church of Christ, Oxford, in succession to the Very Reverend Richard Peers, following his appointment as Dean of Llandaff Cathedral…

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Charles Read
Charles Read
11 months ago

Excellent appointment – he will bring liturgical flair and knowledge and is what a colleague would call ‘a generally decent human being.’ He was also a long way away when it all went wrong at CC.

Reply to  Charles Read
11 months ago

I wish volunteers at Christ Church, Oxford, well.

Rowland Wateridge
Rowland Wateridge
11 months ago

He was also Acting Dean of York when Vivienne Faull left that post to become Bishop of Bristol.

11 months ago

Peter is a man of gentleness, grace, liturgical rigour and generosity. I have worked closely with him on a particular initiative here in Scotland and we will miss him very much.

Tim Barker
11 months ago

Two excellent cathedral appointments in a week. Mark Oakley to Southwark, and now Peter Moger to Christ Church, where he will, I think, have day to day responsibility for the cathedral. Very encouraging news. As others have already written, Peter will bring many gifts and much experience. It will be interesting to see how his time in the Outer Hebrides will enable him to bring a new perspective to the role.

David Exham
David Exham
11 months ago

How does Canon Moger pronounce his surname, please?

Reply to  David Exham
11 months ago

I always heard it as ‘mowjer’ but heck, who knows.

Reply to  Adrian
11 months ago

I believe it is “Mo” as in “Mo” Mowlem, and “Ger” as in “German”.

Charles Read
Charles Read
Reply to  David Exham
11 months ago

Mow-ger (as in mow a lawn)

David Exham
David Exham
Reply to  Charles Read
11 months ago

Thank you everybody.

Struggling Anglican
Struggling Anglican
Reply to  David Exham
11 months ago

Has Welby noticed they are not evangelicals?

Reply to  Struggling Anglican
11 months ago

Peter and Justin were at college together in Durham. I recall that Peter was the organ scholar.

Jo B
Jo B
11 months ago

A shame for folk at St Peter’s, Stornoway. They’ve had a fair turnover of priests in recent years.

Fr Dean
Fr Dean
Reply to  Jo B
11 months ago

Presumably it didn’t work out for Canon Moger in Stornoway.

Rowland Wateridge
Rowland Wateridge
11 months ago

Is this Canonry specifically a Crown appointment? The announcement from 10 Downing Street would suggest that and, of course, we know that Christ Church is a royal foundation.

Pedantic, I know, but I continue to be puzzled by the seeming inconsistency between Christ Church being described as ‘a non-royal peculiar’ (attributed to William Nye as justification for the CDM of Martyn Percy) and Dominic Grieve’s calling it ‘a Peculiar Royal’. Is there an authoritative answer?

Martin Sewell
Martin Sewell
Reply to  Rowland Wateridge
11 months ago

I suspect it is a distinction without a difference: a non Royal Peculiar that constitutionally functions as one in all but name.

Rowland Wateridge
Rowland Wateridge
Reply to  Martin Sewell
11 months ago

But, as you know, if it were a Royal Pecular there could have been no CDM of the Dean. I’m not sure that Dominic Grieve’s proposals address the anomaly of the Governing Body and the C of E having separate and concurrent disciplinary powers which, theoretically, might have diametrically opposite outcomes on the same facts.

Jeremy Pemberton
Jeremy Pemberton
11 months ago

I have known Peter for a long time and admire him greatly. This is an excellent appointment which will bring stability and humanity to the running of the cathedral. In due course he should be appointed to a senior Deanery IMNSHO

11 months ago

I hear nothing but good things about Canon Moger – I really hope the dons of Christ Church behave themselves and don’t destroy another capable person. I’m genuinely curious about Canon Moger’s move to Stornaway, though, as I thought it a curious move for one so obviously in the cut and thrust of the preferment fast lane. If it was simply one to escape that pressured world for a while to recapture something of his core vocation and/or his health and sanity, I think that’s an excellent example of self care and leadership that equips him well for senior leadership.… Read more »

Martin Sewell
Martin Sewell
11 months ago

I do hope the new Sub-Dean picks up the phone to the former Dean to ask where the bodies are buried. It will help him enormously to know what to do and what to avoid.

Nigel Ashworth
Nigel Ashworth
11 months ago

Lucky Christ Church!

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