Thinking Anglicans

Dean of Sheffield

It was announced last week that the next Dean of Sheffield will be the Revd Canon Abigail Thompson.

It has today been announced that the new Dean of Sheffield in the Anglican Diocese of Sheffield will be the Revd Canon Abigail Thompson.

The Dean is the chief resident cleric of Sheffield Cathedral, also undertaking diocesan and civic duties in the city and across the wider area.

Abigail, or Abi as she is known, has been in the Diocese of St Albans since February 2018 where she is currently the Acting Dean and Sub-Dean of St Albans Cathedral…

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3 years ago

Good to see the emphasis in the full statement about Dean-elect Abi’s musical attainments. Let’s hope that translates into understanding how to address last year’s disbandment of the Sheffield Cathedral Choir. All in all this promises to be an excellent appointment.

Charles K
Charles K
Reply to  Kieran
3 years ago

She is a remarkable person. I dont think its disclosing too much to say that I was one of her selectors on her BAP. In my many years of doing this, she is one of the very few who moved me to tears with the beauty and eloquence of her theological and vocational understanding. Sheffield is truly blessed.

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