Thinking Anglicans

Dean of Worcester to retire

I did not notice any earlier announcement, but Worcester Cathedral has the news today that their Dean, the Very Reverend Peter Atkinson, will officially retire on Friday 25 August.

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Simon Bravery
Simon Bravery
11 months ago

Odd that the announcement was made so late especially as he gave notice to Her Late Majesty over 11 months ago. Presumably those at the Cathedral knew and the evening in June mentioned in the press release was a sort of farewell event. Perhaps someone just forgot to issue the press release.

Reply to  Simon Bravery
11 months ago

Whilst this makes public the final arrangements, his is not the first public announcement of the retirement of the Dean of Worcester, whose impending retirement has been known for some time – both within and well beyond Worcester.

The publicity for the evening in June presupposed that the upcoming retirement was public knowledge:
‘A Very Irreverend Evening with the DeanJoin the Very Reverend Peter Atkinson, Dean of Worcester, for an evening of anecdotes and behind-the-scenes stories from the last 16 years at Worcester Cathedral. 
An opportunity to hear the Dean’s tales before his final farewell on 10th September…’

Perry Butler
Perry Butler
11 months ago

Southwark, Newcastle and Truro filled. More to come I think?

Simon Sarmiento
Reply to  Perry Butler
11 months ago

Wells, Chelmsford, Chichester, Leicester, Lichfield, Lincoln.
And soon, Guildford.

Have I missed any?

Father David
Father David
Reply to  Simon Sarmiento
11 months ago


Struggling Anglican
Struggling Anglican
Reply to  Simon Sarmiento
11 months ago

….and yet another evangelical senior appointment!

FrDavid H
FrDavid H
Reply to  Struggling Anglican
11 months ago

Hopefully he won’t install a large screen to enable the congregation to read the songs

Dr John Wallace
Dr John Wallace
Reply to  FrDavid H
11 months ago

I don’t think so Philip is a very balanced theologian who will, I know, value what the Cathedral offers. In my experience, superb worship and excellent welcome. Pleae pray for him.

Struggling Anglican
Struggling Anglican
Reply to  FrDavid H
11 months ago

I now need therapy….or Buddhism.

M Evans
M Evans
Reply to  FrDavid H
11 months ago

Have you been to Chester recently? There are four large screens, but they are against the pillars, not in the middle. They have gone paperless so hymns (not songs!), readings and responses are all on screen.

Stephen Griffiths
Stephen Griffiths
Reply to  Perry Butler
11 months ago

Carlisle recently filled too.

Fr Dean
Fr Dean
11 months ago

Have they announced the appointment of an interim Dean at Worcester?

Simon Sarmiento
Reply to  Fr Dean
11 months ago

Yes. The Vice-Dean of Worcester, Canon Stephen Edwards, has been appointed Interim Dean by the Bishop of Worcester.

Reply to  Simon Sarmiento
11 months ago

They could do a lot worse than appointing Stephen to the substantive role, in due time. I came across him several times on visits when he was an Incumbent in Manchester Diocese – very capable and intelligent, with a lot of common sense. He was one of those passed over for preferment there in favour of far less competent people, and the move to Worcester seems to have been a good one for him.

Judith Maltby
Judith Maltby
11 months ago

Quite a string of blokes deanery-wise. Just making an observation.

Reply to  Judith Maltby
11 months ago

Fair point, Judith. In so far as I know, white and able bodied also.

Matthew Tomlinson
Matthew Tomlinson
Reply to  Realist
11 months ago

And all university graduates too.

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