Thinking Anglicans

February General Synod – online papers

Update (1 February) Links to the second batch of papers have been added
Update (19 February) Link to Questions notice paper added
Update (20, 24 February) more notice papers etc added

The first batch of papers for next month’s meeting of the Church of England’s General Synod are now available online. The remaining papers will be issued on 1 February and I will add links when these become available.

Papers in numerical order with a note of the day scheduled for their consideration are listed below the fold. Synod meets from Wednesday 20 to Saturday 23 February in London.

The Agenda is here and the Report by the Business Committee (Guide to the February 2019 group of sessions) is here.


GS 2046BB Draft Church Representation and Ministers Measure [Thursday]
GS 2047BB Draft Church Representation and Ministers Measure [Thursday]
GS 2046ZZ/2047ZZ Report by the Steering Committee [Thursday]
GS 2047CC Petition for Her Majesty’s Royal Assent and Licence [Thursday]

GS 2047D Amending Canon No. 38 [Thursday]

GS 2094A and GS 2094B Diocesan Synod Motion: Environmental Programmes (revised) [resumed debate – Friday]

GS 2103A Draft Amending Canon No. 40 [Thursday]
GS 2103Y Report by the Revision Committee [Thursday]

GS 2104A Draft Church of England Miscellaneous Provisions No.2 Measure [Thursday]
GS 2105A Draft Amending Canon No. 41 [Thursday]
GS 2104Y/2105Y Report by the Revision Committee [Thursday]

GS 2110A and GS 2110B Private Member’s Motion: Homeless Task Force (revised) [Thursday]

GS 2111 Agenda

GS 2112 Guide to the February 2019 group of sessions Report by the Business Committee [Wednesday]

GS 2113 Pattern of Meetings of General Synod [Wednesday]

GS 2114 Appointment of the Chair of the Pensions Board [Wednesday]

GS 2115 Appointment of two members of the Archbishops’ Council [Wednesday]

GS 2116 Draft Parochial Fees and Scheduled Matters Amending Order 2019 [Thursday]
GS 2116x Explanatory Memorandum

GS 2117 Code of Practice on Co-operation by the Church of England with Other Churches [Thursday]
GS 2117x Explanatory Memorandum

GS 2118 Evangelism and Discipleship and Annex A [Friday]

GS 2119 54th Report of the Standing Orders Committee [Friday]

GS 2120 Proposed changes to the Standing Orders relating to the Crown Nominations Commission [Friday]

GS 2121 Growing Faith: Ministry amongst Children and Young People [Friday]

GS 2122 Estates Evangelism [Friday]

GS 2123 Centuries of Marginalisation, Visions of Hope: Mission and Ministry among Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Communities [Saturday]

GS 2124A & GS 2124B Private Members Motion: Encouraging Youth Evangelism [Saturday]

GS 2125 Advertising and Gambling [Saturday]

GS 2126A and GS 2126B Diocesan Synod Motion: Refugee Professionals [contingency business]

GS 2127A and GS 2127B Diocesan Synod Motion: Anna Chaplaincy [contingency business]

other papers

GS Misc 1200 Living in Love and Faith and Pastoral Advisory Group [presentation on Thursday]
GS Misc 1201 Accessibility Statement
GS Misc 1202 Dioceses Commission Annual Report
GS Misc 1203 House of Bishops Summary of Decisions
GS Misc 1204 Report on the Archbishops’ Council Activities
GS Misc 1205 Introduction to the Annual Report on Ecumenical Relations
GS Misc 1206 Central Stipends Authority Annual Report
GS Misc 1207 Table of Business Transacted
GS Misc 1208 Update on Mission and Ministry in Covenant
GS Misc 1209 Discerning in Obedience Update
GS Misc 1210 List of Speakers – July 2018
GS Misc 1211 Feedback from July 2018
GS Misc 1212 Update on London/Truro DSM: Environmental Programmes
GS Misc 1213 Safeguarding Progress Report
GS Misc 1214 Elections Review Group Review
GS Misc 1215 Diocesan Boards of Education Measure 1991: proposals for change
GS Misc 1216 Triennium Funding Working Group

Notice Papers

A191 Recent Appointments
NP1 Fifty Fourth Report of the Standing Orders Committee
NP2 Deadlines
NP3 Security
NP4 Progress of Measures and Statutory Instruments
NP5 – Financial Statement February 2019
NP6 General Synod App & Miscellaneous
NP7 Welcome to New Members and Anglican Guests
NP8 Fringe & Displays
NP9 – Worship
NP11 – Amendments and motions
NP12 – Amendments and motions

How to use the Synod App

Questions notice paper

Chairs of debates

OP1 – Order Paper I
OP2 – Order Paper II
OP3 – Order Paper III
OP4 – Order Paper IV
OP5 – Order Paper V
OP6 – Order Paper VI
OP7 – Order Paper VII

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