Thinking Anglicans

General Synod outline of business for February 2024

Updated 25 January. The outline of business has been amended, see here.

Synod members have been sent an outline of business for the February 2024 meeting of the Church of England’s Generaal Synod. It is copied below.

Update (5 January 2024) This is now available online.


This is the current outline of business and subject to change.
The final details of the items will be available on the Agenda which will be circulated in February.

Friday 23 February
2.00 pm – 7.00 pm
Opening worship
Presidential Address
Business Committee Report
Special Agenda I: Legislative Business Vacancy in See Regulations Consolidation
Special Agenda I: Legislative Business Vacancy in See Regulations Act of Synod
Special Agenda I: Legislative Business Amending Canon No 43 – for enactment
Special Agenda IV: Diocesan Synod Motions Parochial Fees: London
*Not later than 5.30 pm Questions

Saturday 24 February
9.00 am – 12.45 pm
Opening worship
Special Agenda IV: Diocesan Synod Motions Code of Conduct for PCCs: Chelmsford
*Not later than 11.45am Questions

2.00 pm – 7.00 pm
Land and Nature
Synod Code of Conduct
Special Agenda IV: Diocesan Synod Motions Future of work: Oxford

Sunday 25 February
2.00 pm – 7.00 pm
Racial Justice
Special Agenda III – Private Members’ Motions Bullying by Lay Officers
Standing Orders Committee Report
Archbishops’ Commission on Families and Households

Monday 26 February
9.00 am – 12.30 pm
Opening Worship
Church Commissioners’ Response to Links to Transatlantic Chattel Slavery
Special Agenda I: Legislative Business Parochial Fees Order 2024 – for approval
Special Agenda I: Legislative Business Chancel Repair (Church Commissioners’ Liability) Measure – first consideration Reappointment of two members of the Archbishops’ Council

2.00 pm – 7.00 pm
Living in Love and Faith
Estates Evangelism
Special Agenda III – Private Members’ Motions Clergy Pensions

Tuesday 27 February
9.00am – 12.30 pm
Opening Worship
Living in Love and Faith
Special Agenda I: Legislative Business Church Funds Measure

2.00pm – 4.30 pm
War in Ukraine and the Challenge to International Order
Special Agenda III – Private Members’ Motions Ordination after divorce
*Not later than 4.15pm Farewells
*Not later than 4.30pm Prorogation

Deemed business
Clergy Discipline Rules

Contingency Business
DSM Southwell & Notts – Church Buildings
DSM Sheffield – Foodbanks and Inadequacies in Social Security PMM Sam Wilson – LGBTQIA+ and Relationship Education

Deadline for receipt of questions: 1200 hrs Thursday 8 February 2024

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David Lamming
David Lamming
7 months ago

While noting that the outline of business given is ‘subject to change’, it is welcome that, as presently time-tabled, this group of sessions is tackling the backlog of Diocesan Synod Motions and Private Members’ Motions, with no fewer than three of each scheduled for debate, viz, with date of tabling in brackets: London DSM on Parochial Fees (March 2021) Chelmsford DSM on Code of Conduct for PCCs (March 2022) Oxford DSM on The Future of Work (March 2021) Bullying by Lay Officers PMM (December 2022) Clergy Pensions PMM (March 2022) Ordination after Divorce (March 2022) (The three DSMs were also… Read more »

David Keen
David Keen
7 months ago

What other organisation would have stats that show a drop in membership of nearly 25% over 3 years, and spend 5 days ignoring it?

Fr Dean
Fr Dean
Reply to  David Keen
7 months ago

A Panglossian one. If they don’t talk about it then GS can continue to avoid the harsh reality of the CofE’s state of entropy.

Jane Willis
Jane Willis
7 months ago

I’m so very glad to see Mark Ireland’s PMM on Bullying by Lay Officers has at last reached the agenda.

Mark Bennet
Mark Bennet
7 months ago

Two Private Members Motions I have signed, plus my own one are up for debate. Plus an Oxford DSM, fees, on which I may have something to say – it will be a busy Synod apart from Safeguarding and LLF. The figures I have obtained suggest that one in every six ordinations for the last 30 years has required a Canon C4 faculty issued by an Archbishop. There are all sorts of problems with the system, but the sheer volume surely indicates that we need a routine procedure, rather than an exceptional one, in most of these cases. I don’t… Read more »

God 'elp us all
God 'elp us all
6 months ago

Any idea when the papers to inform business (discussion/ debate/ decision(s)) might be available?

David Hawkins
David Hawkins
6 months ago

A thousand children in Gaza have had limbs amputated without anaesthetic because Israel blockades essential media supplies.
Please imagine if this was your child.
How bad do things have to get before the Synod of our national church urgently considers this matter ?
Aren’t Christians supposed a take a stand against moral evil ?
Aren’t we supposed to at least try to protect innocent children from harm ?
What better example of how the Church of England has completely lost its way ?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x