Thinking Anglicans

July General Synod – electronic voting results

Updated 31 July to add the originally missing results.

The electronic voting results from this month’s General Synod are now available online and are linked below. The texts of the motion can be found in the official record of Business Done for each session of Synod. For convenience I have made a note of what each item was about and given a link to the relevant item of Business Done.

The texts of the motion can be found in the official record of Business Done for each session of Synod. For convenience I have made a note of what each item was about and given a link to the relevant item of Business Done.

In addition to the votes above there were two other counted votes

  • That Standing Order 8(1) be suspended for the duration of Item 63 (Monday am)
  • That Item 511 be adjourned until the next group of sessions’ (Tuesday am)

the lists for which have not been made available.

Update The lists for the two votes above are now available.

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Susannah Clark
1 year ago

Is there a link to the actual things that were being voted on in each item?

Susannah Clark
Reply to  Peter Owen
1 year ago

Thank you Peter.

11 months ago

I hope that the voting lists re the vote on Monday to suspend SO 8 (1) will be published. People need to see who voted against the motion and (by process of elimination) who was not in the chamber for the vote. (Sent from a cloudy but dry Longyearbyen, Spitzberben in polar Norway!)

Susannah Clark
11 months ago

Hope you see some polar bears (from a comfortable distance)!

Yes, I was hoping to see those details as well. This is the vote requiring 75% which narrowly missed that target. (Unless I’m in a muddle.)

David Lamming
David Lamming
Reply to  Susannah Clark
11 months ago

No polar bears to be seen: just warnings to take a firearm and ammunition if you are not with an organised group and go outside the designated safe zone!

Yes, suspension of a standing order requires the support of 75% of those voting (i.e. you don’t include the recorded abstentions in the calculation.) 175 members voted for the suspension of SO 8(1) – 8 short of the 183 that would have comprised 75%.

Mark Bennet
Mark Bennet
Reply to  David Lamming
11 months ago

The 75% rule is there for a reason, of course, but given the extraordinary circumstances, the instinct of so many members of Synod to deal with the issue rather than leaving it hanging had a great deal to commend it. There is now anger not addressed which will spill over into November and perhaps beyond. Alexis Jay has been appointed by a non-transparent process – and may be a good appointment, and I very much hope she is. But if she is, she will be a disruptive voice too: things need to change and that includes not wasting good people… Read more »

David Lamming
David Lamming
Reply to  David Lamming
11 months ago

Although the vote was a counted vote of the whole synod, the record of the vote, now on the C of E website, shows the voting by houses. The House of Bishops voted against the motion to suspend SO 8(1) (which, if suspended, would have allowed the debate on Gavin Drake’s following motion to continue) by 17 votes to only 5 in favour. The safeguarding bishops voted 2:1 in favour (Joanne Grenfell and Julie Conalty in favour; Viv Faull against), There was one recorded abstention: Archbishop Stephen. The clergy voted by a majority of nearly 4 to 1 (82 votes… Read more »

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