Thinking Anglicans

November General Synod – online papers

The Papers for this month’s meeting of the Church of England’s General Synod are now available online.

Papers with a note of the day scheduled for their consideration are listed below the fold. Synod meets virtually from Monday 23 to Thursday 25 November. They can be downloaded as two zip files.

GS papers .zip folder
GS Misc papers .zip folder

The Agenda is here and the Report by the Business Committee (Guide to the November 2020 group of sessions) is here.


Synod members reading this might like to note that the deadline for the submission of questions is 12 noon on Wednesday 11 November 2020.

GS 2103D – Amending Canon No.40 [Monday]

GS 2105D – Amending Canon No.41 [Monday]

GS 2131B – Draft Diocesan Boards of Education Measure [Wednesday]
GS 2131Z – Draft Diocesan Boards of Education Measure Steering Committee Report [Wednesday]

GS 2136B – Draft Cathedrals Measure Final Drafting [Tuesday]
GS 2136Z – Draft Cathedrals Measure Steering Committee Report [Tuesday]

GS 2177 – Temporary Standing Orders [Monday]
GS 2177X – Temporary Standing Orders Explanatory Notes

GS 2179 – Report from the Business Committee [Monday]

GS 2180 – Vision and Strategy [Tuesday]

GS 2181 – Archbishops’ Council Budget 2021 [Tuesday]

GS 2182 – Measure amending Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure 2016 [Tuesday]
GS 2182P – Policy paper on Safeguarding Measure [Tuesday]
GS 2182X – Measure amending Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure 2016 Explanatory Notes [Tuesday]

GS 2183 – Appointment of AC Member [Tuesday]

GS 2184 – Safeguarding [Wednesday]

GS 2185 – National Clergy Register Regulations [Wednesday]
GS 2185X – National Clergy Register Regulations Explanatory Notes [Wednesday]

GS 2186 – Legal Officers (Annual Fees) Order 2020 [deemed business]
GS 2187 – Ecclesiastical Judges, Legal Officers and Others (Fees) Order 2020 [deemed business]
GS 2186 2187X – Explanatory Notes

GS 2188 – Church Commissioners’ Funding Order for the Churches Conservation Trust 2021-24 [deemed business]
GS 2188X – Church Commissioners’ Funding Order for the Churches Conservation Trust 2021-24 Explanatory Notes

GS 2189 – Terms of Service Amendment Regulations on Bereavement Leave [deemed business]
GS 2189X – Terms of Service Amendment Regulations on Bereavement Leave Explanatory Notes

GS 2190 – Diocese of Manchester (Deanery Synods) Scheme 2020 [deemed business]
GS 2190X – Diocese of Manchester (Deanery Synods) Scheme 2020

GS 2191 – Regulations under Canon DA1 (Religious Communities) [deemed business]
GS 2191X – Regulations under Canon DA1 (Religious Communities) Explanatory Notes

GS 2192 – Responses to COVID-19 [Monday]

GS Misc papers

GS Misc 1253 – Witness FAOC Report
GS Misc 1255 – Strategic Investments Board Annual Report
GS Misc 1256 – Clergy Discipline Commission Annual Report
GS Misc 1257 – Table of Business Transacted
GS Misc 1258 – List of Speakers
GS Misc 1259 – Summary of Decisions from the House of Bishops
GS Misc 1260 – Report on Archbishops’ Council Activities
GS Misc 1261 – Recent Appointments
GS Misc 1262 – Environmental Working Group: Rising to the Challenge
GS Misc 1263 – CNC Annual Report
GS Misc 1264 – Update from the Oversight Group
GS Misc 1265 – Vision for Lay Ministries
GS Misc 1266 – Appointments Committee – breakdown by gender and race and ethnicity
GS Misc 1267 – Feedback from 2020 Meetings

Other papers

Notice Paper 1 – Deadlines

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