Thinking Anglicans

Religious Education: Final Report from CoRE

The Commission on Religious Education has published its final report.

The Final Report of the Commission on Religious Education, Religion and Worldviews: the way forward.  A national plan for RE, has been published. It sets out a National Plan for RE comprising of 11 recommendations, and calls on the Government to consider and adopt it.

The National Plan is built around a National Entitlement which sets out what all pupils up to the end of Year 11, in all publicly funded schools, should be entitled to be taught.  The National Entitlement reflects a new and inclusive vision for the subject, fully embracing the diversity and richness of religious and non-religious worldviews.  It will ensure a strong academic basis for the subject in all schools.  The National Plan provides for flexibility of approach in the translation of the National Entitlement into programmes of study in schools, ensuring that Headteachers are able to choose the approach that is most appropriate for their pupils.

There is a lengthy Press Release which gives all the background information.
There is both the Full Report and an Executive Summary.

The Church of England has responded with a press release.

The Church Times reports: Commission calls for overhaul of Religious Education in final report

Other media reports include:

Observer:  Call for atheism to be included in religious education

BBC: ‘Teach religion and worldviews instead of RE’

TESCall to change RE to ‘religion and world views’

The National Secular Society has given it only a qualified welcome: Replace RE with ‘religion and worldviews’, says commission.  Humanists UK were much more generous: Humanists UK welcomes landmark Commission on RE recommending new subject ‘Religion and Worldviews’.

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