Thinking Anglicans

Server disruption

We are currently (27 May 2021) having major server issues. We are trying to get back online, and have meanwhile restored this old version of our site.

[Updated Friday 28 May]

Please do not comment on articles here — comments will not be approved and will be lost.

We’re still running on our old server, but comments will now be accepted in the usual way.

[Updated Friday afternoon 17:27 and 17:40 BST]

We are moving back to the production server, Please refrain from making comments while this message is here. Any new comments will be lost until you see an update to this post.

We have now successfully moved back to our production server. You may notice some minor glitches (e.g. the number of comments on recent articles may be reported incorrectly, but the comments should be there). We will fix these shortly.

We apologise for the inconvenience.

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Father David
Father David
3 years ago

Welcome back – you were missed albeit for just a short duration. Hope you get your wires sorted out soon.

Anthony Archer
Anthony Archer
3 years ago

Yikes! I was slightly worried that your server had been seized and taken down by those wanting to suppress the truth! TA is an important media outlet, even if some of us do occasionally get carried away!

Clare Amos
Clare Amos
3 years ago

Just wanted to say ‘thank you’ to those of you who administer -run – or whatever ‘Thinking Anglicans’ in your spare time. When things go wrong (which is rarely) we learn to appreciate your commitment even more.
PS My wicked self – which finds it all too easy to see ‘conspiracy’ even when there is probably none – did wonder (for a few moments) whether the fact that the number of comments on the Bishop of Winchester article had exceeded anything in recent times had provoked some ‘power that be’ to try and disrupt Thinking Anglicans.

Stanley Monkhouse
3 years ago

Welcome back. I enjoyed some of the (presumably) hacked mentions of viagra and other phosphodiesterase 5 blockers. The church could do with some of them to help it ascend from the gutter of flaccidity.

Gareth Gilbert-Hughes
3 years ago

Oh, I was expecting an announcement about acolyte agro, crucifer crankiness and a thurifer tantrum!

Andrew Godsall
Andrew Godsall
3 years ago

Many thanks to those behind the scenes at TA enabling all of ‘this’ to happen. Working with computers is, to me at least, a piece of work I can happily do without and I can only imagine the amount of hair tearing episodes something like a change of server must involve. Sincere thanks.

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