Thinking Anglicans

Lambeth: other news reports

Other that is than the opinion article in The Times by Archbishop Henry Orombi which is here.

BBC Robert Pigott Lambeth Diary updated again on 1 August, read No Changing of Minds.

The Times Joanna Sugden Hazy deliberation brings no resolution, just reflection

Guardian Riazat Butt ‘Mini Lambeth’ would be the way forward, say dissatisfied bishops and also Lost property, naked bishops, and the mark of the beast.

Telegraph Martin Beckford Archbishop of Canterbury ‘betrayed churches over gay bishops’ (this covers other topics besides Orombi).

And there are numerous stories about what Bishop Cathy Roskam wrote. See here, here, and here.

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Göran Koch-Swahne
16 years ago

In the light of reports of actual conversations and meetings between parties, verdicts such as “waste of time” for this Lambeth Conference seem as over the top as a Colonial Primate calling Canterbury’s appointment “Colonial”. It isnt’, it’s Governmental.

Moreover Canterbury is a Church Province in England.

Cheryl Va.
16 years ago

The comments about domestic abuse being a “poor man’s disease” or a “third world” or “repressed culture” phenomenom are misplaced. There was an excellent United Nations study a couple of years ago that found that domestic abuse is not confined to one socio-economic group, nor one religion, nor one kind of culture. Actually, domestic abuse is pretty wide spread. The interesting thing about the study was it found that economic status afforded the women no protection. A women from highly educated and wealthy socio-economic status was no less traumatised than her illiterate and poor counterpart. “…with some saying it is… Read more »

Charles Allen
Charles Allen
16 years ago

I have heard Bishop Roskam speak about this before. As I recall, she had plenty of evidence to back this claim drawn from stories shared by Anglican women throughout the world. She is not saying that we Americans or Europeans are better at addressing domestic violence than others. We may be better at hiding it behind official statements deploring it. But what should alarm all of us is that there are still Christian leaders who use the Bible and their own cultures to justify domestic violence as a “Christian” form of discipline in the household. Some of the leaders who… Read more »

Terence Dear
Terence Dear
16 years ago

The pious indignation of the Anglican bishops at Canterbury is disturbing. Of course Bishop Roskum is correct; in a strongly patriarchal society, the abuse of women is likely to be more widespread and more accepted just as the oppression of homosexuals is likely to be more widespread and more tolerated. In most First World countries neither is culturally acceptable although that doesn’t mean, of course, that they dont occur. Our bishops need to reflect on the history of child abuse in the US and how such abuse was tolerated by their RC counterparts. There can be no hope for a… Read more »

16 years ago

We have barely reached a place in the United States where domestic violence against women is legally and culturally unacceptable. Women do not enjoy even that tenuous status in most of the developing world. Why is it wrong to state that? +Roskam did not say that men from the developing world were any MORE likely to beat their wives—just that they probably faced less cultural opprobrium for doing so. And she’s right. Stating the obvious is not sexist, racist, or anything else negative. Sometimes the truth hurts. Honest people will deal with the issue at hand, rather than creating a… Read more »

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago

“Delegates at Canterbury have been upset at her suggestion that bishops beat their wives, with some saying it is impossible for a man of the cloth even to consider such a thing.” Well, given their attitudes towards homosexuality, I don’t think it’s all that unbelievable, actually. If +Akinola and +Orombi can’t actually condemn violence against gay people, what are we to think? As to colonialism, what does it say that a white bishop was required to make the statement opposing anti-gay violence that they couldn’t make? All the same, it is pretty insulting for her to come out with a… Read more »

Göran Koch-Swahne
16 years ago

Figures abound. Interpretations are legion…

Someone on the HOB/D said 1 woman in 4 is beaten in the USA.

Does any among you know when “disciplining the wife” was last permitted/advocated in the laws of your countries?

In Sweden it was in 1908. 1 woman in 5 is still beaten by her husband/partner, according to statistics (and my own listening experiences).

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago

“such abuse was tolerated by their RC counterparts” True, Terrence, but it was also tolerated by Anglicans. We in Canada are paying the price for our Church’s collusion in a governmental policy of deculturation and assimilation of native people into “Canadian society”. It resulted in physical, sexual, and emotional abuse of at least two generations of native children, many of whom we stole from their families and proceeded to brainwash into believing everything about their cultures was evil, even forcing them to abandon their languages, often beating them if they slipped and “accidently” spoke their mother tongue instead of the… Read more »

Göran Koch-Swahne
16 years ago

The Canadian & c school experience was paralleled in the North of Sweden with the children of Finns and Sámi.

It was very much a 20th century Social policy issue (dating from 1890) together with Sterilizations, Mental hospitals, Euthanasia and the like. Institutionalizing.

All considered “progressive” ideas, in the best intentions – many of them n o t from Germany (late on this) but America.

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago

“All considered “progressive” ideas, in the best intentions – many of them n o t from Germany (late on this) but America.”

Hence my mistrust of those who use the word “progressive” to describe themselves. Like “orthodox” it is subject to being defined by those using it to mean “those who think as I do.”

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