Thinking Anglicans

Lambeth: three more English perspectives

The Bishop of Ely, Anthony Russell has written On returning home from Lambeth.

Paul Richardson, Assistant Bishop of Newcastle, has written Analysis: Will the Lambeth Conference bring peace to the Anglican world?

The Bishop of Oxford, John Pritchard has written Bishop John reflects on Lambeth.

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16 years ago

How very, very, very odd – that all three of these thinking bishops automatically and unthinkingly endorse the moratoria, and the new fangled policing and punishing in principle at least, pending further developments? Not one seems aware, dimly or keenly as the case may be, that given the moratoria we queer folks are now asked to live diminished and silenced daily lives, morally crucified yet again on the rough folkway woods and weaponized doctrines of others prejudices and negative presuppositions about us, inside the church. Yes – just as our authentic voices and persons were silenced inside official Lambeth? Yet… Read more »

16 years ago

+Richardson writes: “In America attempts are to be made in September to depose traditionalist bishops while court battles rage over church property.” When will the shepherds of the flock stop spreading this lie? If +Duncan is deposed, it will be because he has betrayed his ordination vows, led a schism, and attempted to decamp with the silver–not because he is a “traditionalist bishop.” Just what would +Richardson advocate if a CoE bishop decided to “realign” his diocese with The Episcopal Church in the same manner? I suspect his take would be much different… Try being honest, Bishop Richardson. It’s a… Read more »

16 years ago

Doxy, you took the words RIGHT out of my mouth! 😉 [There’s nothing “traditionalist” about breaking a vow >:-/] *** Bp. Richardson: “In the meantime it remains essential to keep the moratoria on the ordination of gay and lesbian priests and the blessing of same-sex unions in place.” This isn’t spin, it’s a bald-faced LIE. For his neither cold-nor-hot quality, +Russell of Ely could at least quote properly: “moratorium… [1] on the election and consent to the consecration of a candidate for the episcopate living in a same-gender relationship [2] on public rites of blessing of same-sex unions” “Episcopate” not… Read more »

Spirit of Vatican II
Spirit of Vatican II
16 years ago

Peace between bishops is child’s play — the establishment cuddling itself; I missed any generous outreach to glbt folk at Lambeth.

Peter of Westminster
Peter of Westminster
16 years ago

Are there those in the CofE who might like to realign with the TEC?

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

Gay Christians have mostly had to ‘put up a front’ with regard to their sexuality in those churches which hold such people in low esteem – even when they might long to share their reality in meaningful conversation with others in their church community. This has led to ‘double-think’ for many gay and lesbian persons. Their love of God and neighbour, sadly, has been spoiled by their lack of self-esteem or, in the case of those who are more at home with themselves as being intrinsucally gay, a sense of the deep injustice still rampant in the Church. The LGBT… Read more »

16 years ago

“Are there those in the CofE who might like to realign with the TEC?” Yes. All this indeed “establishment cuddling” is to build a castle in the sky and not worth the imposed sacrifice that isn’t a sacrifice. There are real and actual culturally sensitive Churches, all of whom can reach out into other places and with other Churches, who can make projects and use theological and other statements to challenge the nonsense that comes out of parts of Africa and other areas. And they can say what they want too. I’m saying get out and get on with what… Read more »

16 years ago

I’ve just found the best description of the Lambeth Conference here:

It really does say it all: it just has such a ring of authenticity about it.

16 years ago

There is a change of terminology that may pass unnoticed. What is now ‘condemned’ is partnered homosexuals. There is no distinction made for celibate partnerships. In the Church of England priests are allowed to receive the benefits of the Law and enter into Civil Partnerships, but are asked to re-assure their diocesan bishop about the nature of the relationship. That being asked for and supplied there should be NO barrier to preferment. Unfortunately not one single member of the General Synod has, to my knowledge, been courageous enough to ask for clarification on this point. – It would appear that… Read more »

16 years ago

Does the Bishop of Oxford recognise just how long we have been ‘struggling’ with the issue of homosexuality? He accords time to other debates but seems to imply that homosexuality is a new issue on the agenda. Is he unaware of the Osborne Report? Has he only a short term memory function?
More and more, I want to ask ‘liberal’ theologians to stop being so kind and gentle with those who hold opposing ‘conservative’ views. Speak out now and shame all three of these bishops who willingly sacrifice OTHERS for their own comfort and security.

Simon Sarmiento
16 years ago

Where, exactly, is this change of terminology to be found please? I don’t see it in the three articles linked from this one.

Simon Sarmiento
16 years ago

OK I did some checking and will now answer my own question. The document issued by the Windsor Continuation Group, see used two phrases, first it summarised the original Windsor Report as asking for a moratorium on “the consecration to the episcopate of those living in partnered gay relationships” and second, it summarised its own proposal (yet to be confirmed, inasmuch as this document is not its formal report) as “consecrations of those living in openly gay relationships”. In neither case did it make any reference to celibacy, still less to the UK civil partnership statement of the CofE… Read more »

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