Thinking Anglicans

ARCIC III participants announced

ACNS has announced the names of participants in the next stage of Anglican Communion-Roman Catholic Church dialogue. See this Press Release for ARCIC III.

The Most Reverend David Moxon, co-Chair, is the Bishop of Waikato and Archbishop of the Dioceses of New Zealand in the Province of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.

Dr. Paula Gooder, biblical scholar, is Canon Theologian of Birmingham Cathedral, Visiting lecturer at King’s College, London, Associate lecturer at St Mellitus College, London, an Honorary Lecturer at the University of Birmingham and Senior Research Scholar at the Queen’s Foundation, Birmingham, England.

The Rt Reverend Christopher Hill is the Bishop of Guildford and the Chair of the Council for Christian Unity of the Church of England.

The Reverend Dr Mark McIntosh is Van Mildert Canon Professor of Divinity in the Department of Theology and Religion at the University of Durham in England.

The Rt Reverend Nkosinathi Ndwandwe is Bishop Suffragan of Natal, Southern Area, in the Anglican Church of Southern Africa.

The Rt Reverend Linda Nicholls is Area Bishop for the episcopal area of Trent-Durham in the Diocese of Toronto, Anglican Church of Canada.

The Reverend Dr Michael Poon is director and Asian Christianity coordinator of the Centre for the Study of Christianity in Asia at Trinity Theological College in Singapore, Province of South-East Asia.

The Reverend Canon Nicholas Sagovsky is retiring as Canon Theologian at Westminster Abbey in the Church of England. An ecclesiologist, he served on ARCIC II.

The Reverend Dr Peter Sedgwick is Principal and Warden of St Michael’s College in Llandaff in the Church in Wales, where he teaches theology and social ethics.

The Reverend Dr Charles Sherlock is a consultant to ARCIC III. He has recently retired as Registrar of the Melbourne College of Divinity and lives in the Diocese of Bendigo, Anglican Church of Australia.

These nominations have raised some eyebrows. See ARCIC III members named, and then ARCIC appointment does not violate American ban, ACC says.

…in his Pentecost letter of May 28, 2010, Dr. Rowan Williams stated that members of provinces that were in breach of the three moratoria on gay bishops and blessings and cross-border encroachments of provincial boundaries would no longer participate in the formal ecumenical dialogues in which the Anglican Communion was engaged

“Provinces that have formally, through their Synod or House of Bishops, adopted policies that breach any of the moratoria requested by the Instruments of Communion and recently reaffirmed by the Standing Committee and the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order should not be participants in the ecumenical dialogues in which the Communion is formally engaged,” Dr. Williams wrote.

Yet, as the reports note:

One of the Anglican members was ordained to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church and was one of the theologians who authored “To Set Our Hope on Christ: A Response to the Invitation of Windsor Report Paragraph 135.”

And it appears that he is still canonically resident in the Diocese of Chicago.

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14 years ago

Well, two comments immediately spring to mind. First, nobody much in the Anglican communities have bothered much to respond to the TEC response document. It is most often treated as either not existing in the first place and/or not at all to be taken seriously by engaging with its clear witness. That deafening global Anglican silence includes our esteemed Canterbury – doubly duplicitous and embarrassing since his own former publications explored a critical look at the alleged eternal barriers to welcome for queer folks. Typically, CoE and RW want to have all manner of secretly friendly exceptional spaces going on… Read more »

14 years ago

I’d heard about Dr. McIntosh’s appointment . . . and I’m not surprised that, despite his UK professorship gig, he’s still got US/TEC roots.

What DID shock (and appall) me, is that when you check his TEC clergy link, up at the top, w/ address and canonical residence is “Gender: MALE”.

It’s 2011 and, even in TEC, that’s still the MOST important thing about him? His “plumbing”? :-0

Sometimes I think the Church is just Too Ridiculous to survive any longer…

R. Mammana
R. Mammana
14 years ago

As a point of clarification, the Diocese of Waikato has changed its name to the Diocese of Waikato and Taranaki.

14 years ago

But, Dr McIntosh is a Residentiary Canon of Durham Cathedral, has therefore taken the oaths and made the declarations required to take up that post and is under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Durham (currently vacant) and the discipline of the Church of England of which he is now a member and freehold office holder. I think the Chicago database may not yet have been updated.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Good to see my home Province of Aotearoa/New Zealand & Pacifica being represented on this new Commission. And that TEC is not considered to be ‘persona non grata’ any more. Must be one of the consequences of the absence of certain G.S Provinces at the recent Dublin Meeting ?

At least, no one from ACNA on the Commission!

Simon Sarmiento
14 years ago


I can find no entry for him in Crockford. The other clerical members of the Durham chapter are all there.

As Oscar Wilde might have said, to have two out-of-date databases looks like carelessness.

Sara MacVane
Sara MacVane
14 years ago

Well at least two women is better than one all alone as Mary Tanner was in the previous delegation, but does no one think we should at least aim for half and half?

Edward Prebble
Edward Prebble
14 years ago

As a point of clarification, the Diocese of Waikato has changed its name to the Diocese of Waikato and Taranaki. R. Mammana

That is correct, but ++David is still Bishop of Waikato. His colleague +Philip Richardson is Bishop of Taranaki. Two “equal” diocesan bishops, one of whom also happens to be Archbishop.

Edward Prebble

robert Ian Williams
robert Ian Williams
14 years ago

Why so white and Anglo Saxon… why not a Sydney Anglican, who is true to the reformation heritage of Cranmer?

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“why not a Sydney Anglican, who is true to the reformation heritage of Cranmer?”

– Robert Ian Williams –

Do wake up, Robert. As you, yourself, well know; the ‘Anglican’ Diocese of Sydney considers Rome (your new Church) to be ‘The Scarlet Woman’. Don’t think there would be too much ARCIC stuff on the Sydney web-site.

William Tighe
William Tighe
14 years ago

I’m surprised that nobody has remarked that one of the new appointees from the Catholic side is Prof. Janet Smith, an ardent and outspoken defender of the Catholic Church’s teaching on contraception and upon all matters of sexual morality.

Just google up her name to find more.

Martin Reynolds
Martin Reynolds
14 years ago

“an ardent and outspoken defender of the Catholic Church’s teaching on contraception and upon all matters of sexual morality” Well, that’s amazing! Where, Oh where did the RCC find ANYONE to “defend” their teaching ….. the mind boggles. But joking apart – the make-up of this group is interesting. I suppose Michael Poon is the big surprise. In the light of recent developments it’s somewhat unexpected to see him accepting a place on this group – one suspects his friends might be suggesting he does a public resignation at a suitable point – but taking this job in the circumstances… Read more »

Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
14 years ago

Interesting observation from Mr. Tighe re Janet Smith ARCIC. I didn’t google her name. I’m sure Tighe is correct about her place in the spectrum of R.C. thought. So we have Prof. Smith from the R.C. tradition and the Rt. Rev. Linda Nicholls (Canada) from the Anglican tradition. These are good appointments that will produce honest and thoughtful dialogue. And I’m guessing they will show us amateurs (I speak as a fool) who haunt blog sites how people with very different views and backgrounds can cultivate a dialogue that is productive. Prayers for everyone all round.

14 years ago

Sara, there were, in fact, two women on the last ARCIC Commission (ARCIC II), Sister Sara Butler (RC) and Dr Rozanne Elder (Anglican). Dr Mary Tanner was on the commission before that(ARCIC I).

14 years ago

We don’t have a system of canonical residence in the UK. The TEC canon law on this is more similar to RC canon law than to C of E canon law. Don’t know whether Mark is canonically resident (say for pension purposes) in Chicago, but he is properly licensed and physically very resident here. Indeed, I think he’s working in my old dining room on Dun Cow Lane.

14 years ago

Not meant as snark, but I wonder what the point of ARCIC is. I’ve just come back from a seminar in Rome sponsored by my (Catholic) college at which we visited a library that included a humongous collection of ecumenical materials and spoke to the bishop in charge of ecumenical affairs, who opined that we were in an “ecumenical winter.” One of the participants, not a religious person, asked, “What is it that you are trying to accomplish?” And I have to wonder about that myself. All the points that can be negotiated have been negotiated and we’re now at… Read more »

13 years ago

Dialogue with the Anglican Communion as a whole is almost impossible. But there will be groups within Anglicanism that can work towards unity with Rome – as we are seeing with the Ordinariate.

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