Thinking Anglicans

Panel of Reference named at last

The names of the rest of the panel have now been announced. The full text of the ACNS press release is below the fold.

Updates Thursday and Friday
Ruth Gledhill reports this news in today’s Times under the headline Church appoints tribunal to bring peace on gay row
The CEN has Panel of Reference named
The Church Times has Dr Williams names his row referees


Following the proposals made at the February 2005 Primates’ Meeting at Dromantine, the Archbishop of Canterbury recently announced the appointment of Archbishop Peter Carnley as the chairman of the Panel of Reference, and at the same time published the Mandate that establishes the Panel.

The Archbishop is pleased to announce now that the following clerical and lay members of the Anglican Communion have accepted his invitation to become members of the Panel, and has expressed his great appreciation for their interest and commitment.


The Most Revd Dr Peter Carnley
retiring Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia


His Honour Michael Evans, QC
Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Governing Body of the Church in Wales

The Revd Dr Joseph Galgalo
Lecturer in Systematic and Contextual Theologies,
St Paul’s United Theological College, Limuru, Kenya

Mr Bernard Georges
Chancellor of the Province of the Indian Ocean

The Rt Revd Khotso Makhulu, CMG
former Primate of Central Africa

The Revd Canon John Moore
former International Director of the Intercontinental Church Society (ICS)

Mrs Rubie Nottage
Chancellor of the Province of the West Indies

The Rt Revd Claude Payne
former Bishop of Texas

The Rt Revd Dr John Sentamu
Bishop of Birmingham

The Rt Revd Maurice Sinclair
former Primate of the Southern Cone

Mr Robert Tong
Member, Church Law Commission, Anglican Church of Australia and Chairman of the Council of the Anglican Church League, Australia

The Revd Stephen Trott
Church Commissioner, the Church of England

Ms Fung Yi Wong
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, member of the Standing Committee of the Anglican Consultative Council

The Panel will be supported by Canon Gregory Cameron (Deputy Secretary General, Anglican Communion Office) as Secretary, and Canon John Rees (Legal Adviser, Anglican Consultative Council) as Legal Adviser, assisted by a senior member of Lambeth Palace staff in a liaison role for the Archbishop of Canterbury, together with other administrative support as required.

The first meeting of the Panel will take place at the earliest available opportunity, probably in July or August of this year, when it will agree its day-to-day modus operandi. In accordance with the provisions of the mandate, the Panel will consider only those items referred to it by the Archbishop of Canterbury, or a Primate of the Anglican Communion, in cases where mediation is sought by the Primate.

Contact with the members of the Panel should be through the Anglican Communion Office in London, although any persons wishing to invoke the Panel’s procedures should make contact in the first instance through the Chief of Staff to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Mr Christopher Smith, at Lambeth Palace. It is only by referral from the Archbishop that the Panel can take on the review of particular cases.

The functions of the Panel are as follows:

  • At the Archbishop’s request to enquire into, consider and report on situations drawn to his attention where there is serious dispute concerning the adequacy of schemes of delegated or extended episcopal oversight or other extraordinary arrangements which may be needed to provide for parishes which find it impossible in all conscience to accept the direct ministry of their own diocesan bishop or for dioceses in dispute with their provincial authorities
  • With the Archbishop’s consent to make recommendations to the Primates, dioceses and provincial and diocesan authorities concerned, and to report to him on their response
  • At the request of any Primate to provide a facility for mediation and to assist in the implementation of any such scheme in his own province.
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