Thinking Anglicans

from the weekend papers

In The Times Alan Webster writes about Coram and Barnardo’s in A vision that inspires hard work and high ideals for the next generation.

Christopher Howse in the Telegraph writes about the Spiritual side of Trafalgar. Over at the Tablet, he reviews the latest book on Opus Dei by John Allen, Out of the shadows.

The Guardian godslot is written by Alex Wright:

We need a more nuanced debate about religion, and must stop seeing it in terms of being either a fantasy or a destructive force…

Giles Fraser writes in the Church Times about the Silly season of political conference and Synod.

Church Times readers of this week’s Press column may find the full version of the article in the New Yorker (which is quoted by Andrew Brown) here at INTELLIGENT DESIGN by Paul Rudnick.

Returning to the Tablet Robert Mickens reports on the meeting between the Pope and Hans Kung in New-found harmony?

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