Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 20 July 2024

Morwenna Ludlow ViaMedia.News Celibacy and Conscience

Stephen Andrews The Living Church Wycliffe College and the Character of Anglicanism

Gavin Drake Church Abuse A look at Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell’s public “correction of the record”


Opinion – 17 July 2024

Peter Carrell Anglican Down Under On Bible translations

Augustine Tanner-Ihm ViaMedia.News Where is the Colour? The CEEC Commissioning of Overseers: A Theological and Ecclesiological Critique

Joanne Woolway Grenfell Civil Society Safeguarding: How the Church of England is learning from past events
[This article is behind a paywall, but has been reproduced in full in a Church of England press release.]

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The desolation of the Church of England


Opinion – 13 July 2024

Theo Hobson The Spectator The C of E needs to talk about sex

Helen King sharedconversations Milestone Day or Groundhog Day?

Nic Tall ViaMedia.News Cooking with Love and Faith

Hatty Calbus Surviving Church The Revitalise Trust and Safeguarding

Anon ViaMedia.News Persona non grata: an Unwelcoming Encounter at All Souls, Langham Place


Opinion – 10 July 2024

Sean Doherty ViaMedia.News Trust and Training

Phil Groves ViaMedia.News The Alliance and the Bishop of Oxford

Lorraine Cavanagh On Forgiving The Church


Opinion – 3 July 2024

Gilo ViaMedia.News Beyond Jay: Here’s What the Response Group and Synod Need to Do for a Safer Church

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Which God?


Opinion – 29 June 2024

Martin Sewell Surviving Church The continuing Shambles of CofE Safeguarding

God Loves Women Guest Post: A Response to William Nye
[This refers to the two background papers GS 2361A and GS 2361B for a General Synod debate on reviewing abuse at Soul Survivor.]

Simon Friend ViaMedia.News Power Games: Redemptive Violence or Redemptive Love?


Opinion – 26 June 2024

Helen King sharedconversations LLF: Moving Forward as One Church

Matthew Duckett Writing on the Walls of Nineveh Sermon for a Mass of Thanksgiving for a Civil Partnership

David W Congdon ViaMedia.News Essential Doctrines, Essential Hierarchies

David Runcorn Inclusive Evangelicals Is Genesis chapter 2 a definition of marriage?

Anon (on behalf of the Oxford Safe Churches team) ViaMedia.News Lovingly Hated


Opinion – 22 June 2024

Helen King sharedconversations Removing the fiction: wrangling bishops

Susannah Clark ViaMedia.News The Whole of Who We Are

Giles Goddard ViaMedia.News Between Meaning and Despair: A Generous Faith


Opinion – 15 June 2024

Helen King sharedconversations Transparency, trust and bishops

Neil Elliot NumbersMatter From Creation to Revelation: why seven is the most special number

Philip North Church Times It is time for a new deal for underpaid clergy
“A culture of low remuneration and overwork can be addressed only by more funding at a national level”


Opinion – 12 June 2024

Catherine Bennett The Observer Your sermons on integrity are a bit rich, archbishop, given your faith in Paula Vennells

Richard Peers Oikodomeo The Five Guiding Principles and LLF – why the Church of England is immoral

Giles Fraser Save the Parish Only chaos can redeem the Church

Christopher Cocksworth The Living Church Sent to Coventry, Called to Windsor


Opinion – 8 June 2024

David Monteith ViaMedia.News PRIDE: More than Sparkling Spandex

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church To Jay or not to Jay, that is the Question for C/E Safeguarding

Paul Middleton ViaMedia.News Church of Scotland Welcomes Trans Members and Ministers

Martyn Snow Church of England Newspaper LLF: unity matters – it really matters


Opinion – 1 June 2024

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The God I Never Believed In

Gavin Drake Church Abuse Who are Ecclesiastical? And why does it matter?

Fergus Butler-Gallie Church Times Preacher who triggered a riot
“On the tercentenary of the death of Henry Sacheverell, Fergus Butler-Gallie revisits the clergyman’s life and pulpit polemics”


Opinion – 25 May 2024

Ian Paul Psephizo Once more: whither the Church of England?

Gavin Drake Church Abuse

Penelope Doe ViaMedia.News Queering the Church: The Theological and Ecclesial Potential of Failure


Opinion – 18 May 2024

Helen King sharedconversations Hidden in plain sight: Soul Survivor again

Philip North ViaMedia.News On Conscience

Paul Bickley and George Lapshynov Church Times Does religion influence votes?
“Yes, but not in a straightforward way”


Opinion – 8 May 2024

Helen King sharedconversations Opening the jar, carrying the load

Hatty Calbus Surviving Church


Opinion – 4 May 2024

Hatty Calbus Surviving Church HTB: Extraordinary Influence

Charlie Bell ViaMedia.News Time to be Civil about Marriage

Stephen Andrews The Living Church Thoughts on Church Scandal

Yin-An Chen ViaMedia.News The Majority or the Minority? A Rhetorical Question


Opinion – 27 April 2024

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Transformational Christian Life

Judith Maltby ViaMedia.News Safeguarding & Living in Love and Faith: Learning for the Church of England from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse & Lessons Learned Reviews
[This is the paper referred to in the comments to last Saturday’s Opinion piece.]

Justin Humphreys/Ian Paul Psephizo Can safeguarding be integral to Christian mission?


Opinion – 20 April 2024

Helen King sharedconversations Jesus is coming, look busy: onwards with Living in Love and Faith?

Neil Elliot NumbersMatters Is yours an Easter or a Christmas Church?

Harriet Symonds The House Scrolls of Doom: Why Gen Z is shunning the church

Christopher Landau Psephizo What is the place of charismatic theology after Mike Pilavachi?

Christopher Landau Church Times Landing zone needed for LLF
“‘Compassionate orthodoxy’, not a divisive settlement, is required”


Opinion – 13 April 2024

Helen King sharedconversations

Lee Coley Church Times State support is needed to keep churches open
“The Government is unlikely to release funds unless parishes show how vital buildings are to communities”


Opinion – 3 April 2024

Laudable Practice The Critic This vision glorious
“Let us allow the glory of Easter to touch our daily lives”

Anglican Communion News Service Primates from across the Anglican Communion share their Easter Messages for 2024

Ruth Harley ViaMedia.News Posing a Problem: Not Equal Yet

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Easter Day 2024 – Freud and Christianity