Thinking Anglicans

Nigeria: latest developments

The previous TA entry on this, originally posted on 9 April but updated on 13 April.

Since then there has been a further significant press release on 17 April from Changing Attitude titled Nigerian Anglican hostility to gays and threat to Davis MacIyalla revealed. There is also some background on African and Anglican involvement in the recent ILGA Geneva conference.

Today, politicalspaghetti published a very detailed review of recent Nigerian events under the title Things fall apart. (This entry also deals with the New Yorker article, see immediately previous post here.)

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Cheryl Clough
Cheryl Clough
18 years ago

The parallels to the early Nazi regime continue to develop. I read a Jewish article recently (sorry couldn’t find link, but if challenged will do so) that talked about early in the Hitler’s regime development they encouraged “dialogue” with the local authorities. The Jewish communities in good faith would send their respected leaders to table the issues their people were having in terms of bullying and mistreatment. What they did not know was happening was that the regime was developing a short list of potential Jewish leaders. When they started their ethnic cleansing, the first people to “disappear” were the… Read more »

18 years ago

Quoting CA, The writer of the email says “The police are looking for you everywhere and the curate was saying it is better if any one knows they are gay or lesbian to confess to the church before MacIyalla is arrested and will give your names to the church…” Ah! Ah! Ah! The asylum plot thickens. Give me the name of the church and the curate if it is true someone demanded confessions of homosexuals. I will like to know whose instructions he is obeying and will gladly make such public. Also let me have the date such an announcement… Read more »

18 years ago

You clearly do persecute them, as evidenced by your Primate’s statement, by your comments here, and by your support for persecuting legislation

18 years ago

Dear Tunde, I would be willing to take what you are saying at face value if what was coming out of your office wasn’t so confusing. On the one hand, you say that the “Church’s response is ‘see your pastor for counselling and prayers'” and that you “persecute no one,” while on the other hand your boss endorses legislation that would put someone advocating homosexuality in prison for 5 years. This is a very mixed signal, and in a country with strong taboos against homosexuality, I can imagine that Mr. Mac-Iyalla would be reluctant indeed to return to Nigeria under… Read more »

18 years ago

Dear Matt, In 46years of independence, there had been laws in Nigeria that will punish a confirmed homosexual with either death or 14 years in jail. I am yet to be aware of anyone being so punished and wonder at Davis’ fear. A new law is being proposed to (as I personally see it) reduce the term to 5 years and also avoid imposition of a practice the Church terms to be sinful upon the unsuspecting populace. I am still amazed to read that the same church should kick against such a law. My duties include the correction of public… Read more »

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
18 years ago

Canon, “A new law is being proposed to (as I personally see it) reduce the term to 5 years and also avoid imposition of a practice the Church terms to be sinful upon the unsuspecting populace. I am still amazed to read that the same church should kick against such a law.” The point is that just because this law seems less oppressive than what went before does not make it a good thing. The Church should oppose any oppression. I am amazed that you should think otherwise. You speak of “imposing” homosexuality on Nigeria. This law will not get… Read more »

18 years ago

Thank you Tunde, for your response. My only concern has been about the legislation, and why your office has endorsed it. My understanding of the situation has become very dark indeed. Because of the lack of clarity over why it was proposed, and why you and the Archbishop endorsed it, I have become concerned that the legislation was in fact put forward at your or the Archbishop’s bidding (I am willing to believe a denial), and for that reason I have given time to the issue of Changing Attitude and your response to it. I have never met Davis, or… Read more »

18 years ago

“We disturb no intending worshipper, turn away no one, persecute no one, and unashamedly maintain the sanctity of the Holy Scriptures.”

It’s hard to reconcile this statement with the public statements of Archbishop Akinola on the Muslim violence and the homosexuality law.

I really find it quite puzzling that you think you are following Christ in these outrageous acts.

Colin Coward
18 years ago

Dear Tunde,

Come out!
The gospel reading for morning prayer on the day Tunde posted, last Thursday, was the raising of Lazarus, which ends with Jesus’ shout to Lazarus, ‘Come out‘.

Continued at

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