Thinking Anglicans

Wednesday press reactions

Stephen Bates Williams admits church faces split over gay bishops (includes comments from the Primate of Canada)

Jonathan Petre Williams sets out his blueprint for twin-track Church and
editorial comment in Inside the Anglican shell

The Times
Ruth Gledhill Gay clergy ultimatum set to split Anglicans and
editorial comment in The Lambeth walk.

Associated Press
Robert Barr Anglican leader suggests two-tiered fellowship system
earlier report:
Leader of Anglicans Urges Coexistence

Religion News Service
Daniel Burke Williams Lays Out Two-Tier Membership for Anglicans

New York Times
Laurie Goodstein and Neela Banerjee Anglican Plan Threatens Split on Gay Issues

Washington Post
Alan Cooperman Head of Anglicans Seeks End to Divisions on Gay Clergy

Kate Kelland Anglican leader sees church split over gay bishops

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Spirit of Vatican II
18 years ago

Hmm, the full-shilling Anglicans will also sign a covenant against bigotry and against trampling on the civil rights of gays, as in Nigeria? And will they follow through on what they sign? In recent days ECUSA have been giving a lot of witness that has given Christians everywhere much to think about. Certain they deserve to be banished outside the city for that. Another point: the debate on all these issues is in flux. How define at what level of acceptance a church in the Anglican communion is to be located when within every church the faithful are developing in… Read more »

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